
If a woman gets a job that a man was also applying for, why do they assume she was incompetent?

by  |  earlier

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In fact, why do they assume she was given preference for her gender?




  1. This is where affirmative action has created problems.  It is now assumed that a women can't achieve success without assistance.  I would rather be wrongfully  turned down for a million great jobs, and know that the one crappy job I did get was completely from my own merit.  If we as a society can not claim our defeats(no matter how we  were defeated) then we cannot rightfully claim our victories.

  2. Wow you're employer sure is a very bad, generalizer fool D:

    He's bad D:.

    Well i guess that with employers like that, the problem is that they think that all women are the same, and he is so dumb that he rather think that than finding out if there whenether there is an excellent woman applying.

  3. Q:  If a woman gets a job that a man was also applying for, why do they assume she was incompetent?  ~  

    A:  Well, if she does get the job, then WHY would they assume that SHE was incompetent?

    Surely you have this front to back oh scribe!


  4. Who is "They" ? You sound paranoid...

  5. i dont... i asume the opesete...  we all no hirings done by the gud ol boys club...  so its always men doing the hiring... an giving other men the best jobs...

    so when a woman finly manages to brake thru the barier... u no it means shes so overqulified for the job that no man can come close to her...

  6. These days with unemployment as high as it is, all online job postings receive hundreds, if not thousands, of replies and resumes.  The good jobs go to the best-qualified people.  Affirmative action and asz-kissing have nothing to do with it.  What fantasy land are these fools living in?

  7. Well it used to be that if, for example a woman wanted to be a commercial pilot then she would have to be MUCH better than the male candidate because she was held to a higher standard due to prejudice and preconceptions.

    Don't think people actually assume said pilot would be LESS capable.


  8. hey its called the working world, thats one of the perks male or female getting **** on is part of the job requirements.  Bosses love any person who can kiss their A$$.

  9. Scapegoating... blaming the problem on someone or something that is out of their control. Robert's right, it scapegoating works both ways. People don't like to think they are responsible for being inferior to another person.

  10. Same reason women assume if they didn't get a job it was because of the patriarchy or because they were a women?

  11. If she got the job, she can't be incompetent.  It's her employers decision.  What other people think, doesn't matter

    Mike B  

  12. If you're ever in a burning building & need a fireman to save your life, be happy that feminists forced your city to lower the qualifications so a woman could get the job.

    If you're ever being held hostage, be happy the feminist movement forced the Police Department to have lower standards for women to qualify for the SWAT team.

    Oh happy day

  13. When a law "encourages" a company to ignore a competent man, and choose an equally qualified woman, then its easily understandable that the law is siding with her GENDER, and not COMPETENCE. I m yet to read anyone here complaining about incompetent women getting a job - its the company's headache. All that is being stated are concerns about the law's biased stand.

  14. They don't. You do. You have this pre-concieved notion that all women are mistreated and under appreciated and so you feel the need to go on this B*tch crusade when in fact its nothing like you perceive it.

  15. No one assumes that where I work.

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