
If a woman had an abortion, how would you feel if she tried to give you parental advice?

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If a woman had an abortion, how would you feel if she tried to give you parental advice?




  1. About the same way I would if a rapist tried to give me s*x therapy.

  2. That would depend on whether she was a mother or not. If she had no children, I would not take her advice very seriously. If she had children, I might listen. The fact that she did or didn't have an abortion wouldn't enter the equation.

  3. I would ask her repeatedly if a coat hanger would come in handy.

  4. Highly insulted, as I've been a mother for more than 10 years and have three sons who have literally thrown me in the deep end with parenting.

    I would tell her to go jump(that's being polite on the forum, in real life I wouldn't be so polite).

  5. i dont have kids, but if i did, i would think she was just trying to brag about the fact that for like a few weeks she had offspring. and id tell her she was full of herself and to shut up,she doesnt no what shes talkin about.

  6. depends on why she had the abortion in the first place

  7. id be annoyed if anyone tried to give me parenting advice. tell her to mind her own business

  8. you don't have to be a parent to know about kids... I have a brotehr 13 years younger than me and I'm sure I can tell you a lot more than some mothers.  It also doesn't mean just because she had an abortion she doesn't care... She may regret it now, but the point is you should always listen to the advice.. you don't have to follow it, but sometimes, you find the advice you need in the corner you would never expect to find it in.

  9. I'd listen.

    I know better than to equate a terminated birth with inability to have some sense about childrearing.

  10. they're unrelated things.  i would judge the advice based on the advice.

  11. i would say what do you know about children? you got rid of yours, very sad,

  12. People change.

  13. I wouldn't feel like she had much credibility, as a person in general. She killed a person, would you listen to what a murderer said about parenting?

  14. then she'd be a hypocrite..

  15. Take it with a grain of salt.  Frankly, if someone is a good mom, I don't mind their giving me advice.  If their kids are brats and ill mannered etc. then really, keep your advice to yourself.

    But someone having had an abortion, well, I know several women who've done that.  I don't really have high regard for them as they were never really very moral people (one aborted for the inconvenience and had a baby a year later...the other couldn't keep her legs crossed and had three abortions) so I think karma has a way of catching up to them eventually.  They are the ones who tend to do well financially and academically etc. (their lust for all things material)  but fall REALLY short on the humanitarian side.

    I'd rather stick with my friends in low places thank you.  They are real, down to earth and will kill for you if they had to.  Those are friends, through thick and thin, not these fly by night air heads.

    I don't need advice from stupid immoral people who can't take birth control or wear a friggin condom for pete's sake.

    Besides anyone who's ever tried to offer me advice was really just doing it to toot their own horn and validate their own parenting skills.

    My kids are fine and well mannered and gifted to boot.  So long as I'm happy with them, I really don't care what others have to say about it.  It's our life.

    So ditto to whatever anyone else does.  They have to sleep in the beds they make but they can keep their advice to themselves.  They could never know half of what I know anyhow because I make it a point to know what I need to know.

    If they ask you for advice that is one thing, but you should never just jump in there and start offering it because something their kid does is offensive, unless you know they are doing something illegal or that endangers their safety, but even then you risk alienating these people as most people feel thier kids can do no wrong.

  16. i wouldnt pay attention too her

  17. I'm not following what the connection is.  No, I'm not trying to be a smart azz, I really don't.  The only thing I would consider is whether or not she has children.  You have to actually have children to be able to give parenting advice, don't you think?  Now, if you want to actually get into a political or moral discussion on the subject of abortions, then perhaps she is the girl for you.

  18. we would be on equal levels because i don't have any kids and don't want any.

  19. You didn't say whether she had other children and how well she had raised them.  I don't think that I can answer since you gave so few clues.  I generally accept advice from people who do a admirable job.  Just because a woman made a decision to abort a fetus doesn't mean that she wouldn't make an excellent parent.

    This is a pretty shakey argument.

  20. it would be hard for me to listen

  21. It would depend on the advice, and the reason she got an abortion in the first place.

    If she got an abortion purely out of convenience, I probably would be less inclined to take her advice. But had she gotten an abortion because she knew she might not be able to care for the child adequately, I might feel her advice to be more in the child's better interest, or at least have more merit than the priors answer.

  22. I'd wonder why she was doing it, since I don't have kids.

  23. I wouldn't listen

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