
If a woman is attacking a man does he have the right & responsiblity to defend himself?

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Biting, kicking, scratching, punches to the testicles. . .you name it. This may be rare for you but it's reality to others. What if it's a teenage kid & you're 20+ & they manage to find some reason to attack you as there are crazy people in this world. How much can you restrain the urge to hit back?




  1. No matter who it is, an individual has the right to defend themselves by whatever means are necessary. That is the law. Under that umbrella there's the amount of necessary force that will be looked at and scrutinized. So you have your answer. A woman, man, or child, could attack another man, and if he has to he can punch them all and if absolutely necessary even use deadly force. The law is not going to look at it.... "but she's just a woman, and he's a big guy." They're going to see it as... "what was she trying to do to him, did he use the appropriate level of force to protect himself?"

  2. If you have a strength advantage, which most likely you would have over a younger woman, it is best to subdue her by grappling and body control rather than punches and kicks.  If this happens to you, grab her arms, take her down and smother her until you can get help.  It isn't worth the repercussions that you'd get if you knocked her out, even though she may deserve it.

  3. Hard to say it any better than PCE...

    Pretty much goes without saying you will have to use REASONABLE FORCE to stop the threat. This doesn't matter what the situation. Ideally most men are able to restrain a woman enough through sheer overpowering force that they don't have to resort to beating them to an inch of their lives.

    Keep in mind in a situation like this, (as well as a situation where you are bigger than your attacker) without witnesses it is going to be your word against theirs. Definately something involving a child, or a woman I would be the one to call the cops, let them document everything including damage done to me.

    Honestly, it is going to be a matter of perspective. If you have a fat lip and some scratches, and half of her face looks like hamburger meat because of one or two of your punches (despite you receiving several punches from her) the perspective is going to be that she got the worst end of it.

    However if she has a few bruises on her wrists and arms, where you held her down and away from you while the authorities arrived, and you have bitemarks, scratches, etc. Then obviously the evidence and perspective of potential Law Enforcement officers or jurors is going to be that you defended yourself in a reasonable manner.

    This goes with ANY self defense type scenario in reality, with few exceptions. But generally if go beyond a reasonable amount of force to stop a threat, you could find yourself in hot water. If a guy tells you he is going to beat you up, then grabs your arm, and you turn around with baseball bat, and proceed to turn him into a human pinata. Chances are you are the one who is going to go to jail.

    Yes self defense things are somewhat across the board regarding s*x, but keep in mind our justice system is done by your peers. If the perception is that you went over the line in protecting yourself, there could be consenquences.

    When I worked as a bouncer, we had a lot of liability things to worry about. I did an internship at a home for troubled teens, and they had a curriculum about how to subdue them without hurting them. In most cases you are going to be stronger than a woman, and capable of just pinning her down until help arrives. Thai kicking her in the liver, then spearing her and pulling a Mike Tyson won't go over well.

    Trust me, I have had some nasty, s***k, redneck women fully throwing blows at me, and I have had no qualms about choking out a woman. But by doing everything by the book after 30 minutes talking with Law Enforcement I haven't had to deal with too much afterwards as far as legality. I also never hit a woman, and rarely hit any patron, because I preferred to be in the best defensable position possible.

    In most cases hitting an attacking woman isn't necessary, when as a larger stronger person, it is reasonable to simply grab them, throw them to the ground and hold them there waiting for help, or fending them off with pretty much one arm while on the phone to 911.

    In any situation like this you want as much documentation, and witnesses behind you coorabarating your story that you did everything you could to defend yourself without causing excess injury.

    Like I said, perception is a big key, so knowing that automatically there is going to be a bias against a male in a male vs. female altercation, it is your responsibility to make sure you take every possible means of legal discourse and documentation while defending yourself. h**l whip out your camera phone and turn the video on.

    When all else fails... take Chris Rock's advice...

    "I would never... never... never... hit a woman... but I will shake the sh*t out her!"

    <mimics holding both arms on the shoulders and shaking>

    Just my advice, I've never had to hit a woman in a self defense scenario, and honestly I have been attacked by more women then men in my former profession.

  4. Of course hit back, don't u want 2 be alive anymore?

    If there is no real good reason to sacrifice ur valuable life then u should protect urself. To protect urself u should do whatever u need to do.

  5. Why of course you can defend yourself.  She is going to be sorry she layed her hands on me.  Just because she is a woman.  Doesn't mean you can get away with murder.  If she is a good looking woman.  I might hold her down and make love to her.

  6. Well, as men and women are equal now the same law applies as if a guy attack you its just a social thing not to attack women. If your being attacked you have the right to defend yourself by law.

  7. Under Uk law you have the right to use reasonable force to defend yourself if attacked physically by anyone regardless of their s*x or mental state. If you are attacked by a woman who has you trapped in a corner and kicks you hard in the nuts and punches you in the wind pipe and is continuing to attack you and you believe you may be seriously hurt you may use reasonable force to stop her. In the circumstances having been hoofed in the nuts and hit in the wind pipe you may well be about to collapse which would mean you would be unable to defend yourself. If so you would be within your rights to strike the female hard enough to incapacitate her so that she cannot do you further harm while you are down. However if you are attacked by a physically weak, uncoordinated woman who could not punch her way out of a paper bag and you have ample time to escape or to evade her and you do not then you do not have the right to strike her. These two scenarios apply exactly the same to males, to someone who is mentally unwell, to someone who is drunk or on drugs or even to more than one attacker. If you had plenty of time to leave before a situation and there was no reason why you could not and you chose not to a court will take a dim view of your using force if you hurt someone. If your attacker/s were clearly no threat to you you cannot justify harming them. I imagine you would may get away with giving a weaker person who will not stop attacking a quick light open hand slap if you really need to but not much more. In a situation where a weaker person will not stop attacking you I would suggest a restraint technique to hold them until they calm down or until the police can arrive. Finally I would stress that restraining a person is not without serious risk and that people have died whilst in restraints so you should have someone call the police to take over as soon as possible. Some restaints even allow you to have a hand free to ring them yourself from your mobile phone. Common martial arts featuring restraint techniques include Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Catch Wrestling, Eagle Claw, Hapkido, Hung Gar, Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Ninjutsu and mixed martial arts.

  8. Laws for self defense differ from state to state. A good general rule of thumb to follow is REASONABLE use of force. For example. If a person where to push you and your response is too break both of their arms, that would be considered EXCESSIVE use of force. Then you would probably go to jail and be sued civil court. But remember that's a very general example. Now if a person is attacking you in a very aggressive manner and you cant get away from them, then you have the right to stop their attack. But also keep in mind if you manage to stop their attack. It should end there! If you knock that person down and they are no longer attacking you that doesn't mean you can continue to beat the pulp out of them. Because at that point the threat is over. Call the cops. Some states require that you have to try and run away from a situation before your allowed to defend yourself. It is best to check out your local laws regarding this subject to find out exactly what your rights are. Self defense laws can be very vauge and many times the victim of the attack can be made to look like the aggresor.  

  9. In any self defense situation you only have the legal right to defend yourself to the point of neutralizing the attack. you can not go beyond what it takes to prevent the immediate threat. A smaller person than you can be a threat. Your responsibility is to do only enough to prevent serious injury to yourself or another. This sounds subjective and it is. The law views thees issues on a case by case basis. One judge may view your actions as excessive while another may view it as clearly self defense. Clearly in a worse case situation it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

  10. Instructions from an old bouncer"you cant be putting the fists and boots to a chick like you would a guy.using the 2nd knuckle of your index finger and your thumb grab her upper lip and twist applying downward pressure.

    unless she is really drugged or boozed out her heart and mind will follow your well on punks also."

    Alternative grab a handfull of hair and run in the opposite direction dragging them behind you 99 times out of 100 they end up on their face.Always apply downward pressure where the head goes the body follows basic priciple of jujutsu.

  11. a girl kept punching me when i was in 4th grade and wouldnt stop so i cracked her back in the face and she cried and cried and they took me to the principles office and told me never to hit a girl.  i thought i did the right thing though. i bet she never hit an innocent guy again!

  12. If she wants to act like a man then I'll treat her like one.  Unless it was like, my wife or mom or sister.  Not my cousins though, I'd knock them out in a heartbeat....

  13. It depends on how ugly she is!.

  14. yo if some chick tries to bite my balls, we gonna have probs, ill slap the *** out of that bi+ch, and then run like h3ll.

  15. If she is all trashy and fat,Then my shin will make contact with her temple.

  16. If the child is above 7, then I will always go to police if he attacks me with really bad intentions.

    It doesn't matter whether the opponent is a man or a woman. All I know that my opponent has attacked me and everyone has a right of self defense against anyone whosoever tries to interfere with his property and body. I can ask court for proper judgment.

    I know that you are talking about a woman hurting man. What if I was attacked by a female martial artist as I don't know any martial arts?

    I think you had a quarrel with your husband. That is why you are asking this.

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