
If a woman is hitting a man, and a man forceably pushes her away in self defence, is it wrong?

by  |  earlier

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thanks guys, though 'i' didnt personally do this - was in the supamarket when i saw it happen, n when i confronted the guy n said it was not right, he presented a strong arguement about having no choice. i dont agree with him, but its interesting to see the range of responses from different people. thanks - will give best answer later :)




  1. no its not wrong..she was hitting him in the first place..but to the man,just don't do it forcibly...i'd say..try to hold her instead of pushing her away...

  2. As long as you didn't kill her. Lol just kidding, if you did no harm but slamming her to the ground or into the wall or hurt her in any way. The best thing to do is try to walk away before it comes to that. I know it is easier said than done.

  3. actually no it's not in a way cause she was hitting you but you was just trying to move her out the way so that she woulds top. but if you shoved her out hte way likw witha big push then yes it was wrong cause in matter of fact your not alowed to hit a women it's just not right it can be very affensive to others cause women are very promiscuis. but in self defence i guess a little to far is a little tooo far.

  4. NO CERTAINLY NOT; but it sure is wrong in the knowledge and eyes of  those people who come to; either hear of it or to see it or to experience it. because we all know that each and everone of us is lacking in common sense and that we are incompetent in doing any thing about it when such lack of common sense crops up in people; in general. .

  5. well this is a tricky one.....

    I feel that if a girl wants to hit a man and he has said stop but she won't,then yes he can push her away.

    I had a problem one time were my boy who  is 7 was always being hit by this girl,well he came up and told me this, so i said "hit her back",you should of seen all the other mums jump up and down.I said well if she can hit him and wouldn't stop he has the right to hit back.

    good luck

  6. Depends were he pushed her, how hard she was hitting AND how hard he shoved away.

  7. Whats wrong is this guy should have walked out the store without her.  Then proceeded to remove himself and his possessions from her life.  AND never talk to her again.. That guy was a PUSCY...  

  8. Yes.  Take it like a man and let the woman vent.  She is fragile.  The next thing she will want is a hug... and don't forget make up s*x!!!

  9. in the eyes of the law yes if there are physical marks on you both then the both of you will be arrested but as far as a pesonal opinion no it is not wrong as long as things don't get too crazy or too physical

  10. First of all if a guy was punching the **** out of you would you take it or push the ****** away and punc back.....

    If women are so equal why would it be wrong to hit a woman back.

    I dont hit women cuz i dont like to see them cry after its justfucking imasculating...

    and its self defence you dont wanna be imasculanated in front of everyone and look like a p***y...

  11. I agree with the previous comment.  You probably should have tried to restrain her, or even better get away from her.  Men are usually physically stronger than women and you can do a lot of damage by pushing someone.  While she shouldn't be hitting you, unless you are actually scared for your life self defence rarely works for a male in court.  They will ask why you didn't restrain her, or walk away instead.

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