
If a woman is unmarried and gets pregnant by her out of town there anyway that he can get custody

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She wants to go to her hometown & have the child & be around her family and friends support. He wants her to move to where he lives although she doesn't know anyone. He says if she doesn't do this, or give the baby his name he will take custody. Can he do that? He is more stable & has more money, as he is 10 years older & already has a child.




  1. Unless the father of the child can show "due cause" - illustrating that the mother is unfit (alcoholic, psychotic, drug addict, etc.) the father has ZERO rights to force the mom to do anything.  She can name the child whatever she wants.  She can live whereever she wants.

    At BEST, he could hope for partial custody where he gets the kids on weekends.  An, if the father pushes for custody, he could prevent her from moving further away or moving out of state.  But in no way. shape, or form, does the father have any legal right to take the baby, force her to relocate, or force her to name the child.

  2. unless she is deemed an unfit mother they will not take the baby from her

  3. Unless she's unfit in some way (like she does drugs, has a long history of arrests, is homeless, or has some sort of mental of physical sickness that will make her unable to properly care for the child), then he really doesn't stand a chance.

    Just because someone has more moeny does NOT make them automatically a better parent.

    Also, the mother can give the child whatever surname she would like, and he really has no say.

    This guy sounds like a pushy, controlling jerk and I would advise this woman to get rid of him.

  4. if you have always lived where you are then you're safe, only way he'd win is if you were a drunk, drug addicted w***e with no prospects of ever provided a healthy life for your babes, he'll just have to move, sorry charlie you bake em and you bear them, they don't just get to swoop in and have em, I'm sure you can find a common ground, all else look for him to transfer his job, put a lil leg work in making his life there, best of luck, big hugs

  5. No he cant get the baby.If the DNA test shows its his he can make her put his last name on the birth certificate, it doesnt matter if u dont have more money .. trust me the state only looks at if u are unfit by doing drugs, prostitution etc.. Its REALLY hard to prove a mom unfit

  6. Nope, not a chance.

  7. Honestly, it is all up to the Judge if it goes that far.  There will be a paternity test and attorney's involved and all that.

    I am not a lawyer or anything, but as far as I know, the worst he can do is get joint custody and she would have to share the child with him.  They would both make decisions about the child's healthcare and education, etc.  

    In order to "take the child away from his/her mother.  He has to prove that she is somehow "unfit" to be around her child unsupervised.  And reasons that she wouldn't move to his town or give the child his name (sorry, but that's HER choice as an unmarried woman) aren't good reasons, IMHO.


    The woman can give the child ANY first, middle, and last name she wants to give her child.  That is her right as the mother, she fills out the birth certificate paperwork in the hospital.  The father may end up having his name listed as the "father" on the birth certificate, but only if he agrees to it or a DNA test proves it.

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