
If a woman wants to be sexually dominated what does that tell you about her childhood?

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If a woman wants to be sexually dominated what does that tell you about her childhood?




  1. So point to me to the doll, where did the bad man touched you?

  2. I agree with the first answer.

    What you like in bed can be a preference, a fetish. It doesn't have to have anything to do with your childhood. :)

  3. It doesn't tell you a d**n thing. It's just a sexual preference-nothing more. However a woman who allows people to dominate her outside of the bedroom has issues.  

  4. Nothing really I don't think,maybe she just wants to have control and a sense of power.Or maybe it just turns her on.

  5. It either tells you a lot or nothing. : )

    It can be a  common symptom of childhood abuse, wanting to recreate that feeling of powerlessness, but some women, especially powerful women, like the change up just because of their day to day lives.

    If could also be that feeling vulnerable and proving her trust to you is what she likes.

    Long story short, you'll be able to tell based on her other behaviors and life. It it seems abnormal, it probably is and I'd ask some questions.

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