
If a woman was not raped andwont die from birthing, and the child would be healthy if birthed...?

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how is abortion still rationalized as a viable option... especially given the obvious alternative option of adoption?

I just dont see it.

No one can foresee the childs accomplishments or potential for happiness... you arent doing the kid a favor by killing it. Is the cynical, misanthropic attitude a parent may have about human life the only justification?

Aside from that, are you doing the state a favor or "reducing the landfill known as a foster home"? Or are you depriving a pair of unfertile parents the chance of raising a kid?

Is it the selfish desire not to let other parents raise your kid?

Or, as I often see it rationalized, is it the superficial obsession to a womans s*x appeal? Are you too concerned for your shape and stretch marks and breast-sagging and ability to get a date that you are willing to kill a kid instead of adopting it when it comes to term?

Seriously... not to sound biased... but given the options, what is the reasoning?




  1. You're kidding right? What about young girls under 18 who are raped and are absolutely not ready to be mothers and weren't even sexually active themselves, otherwise.

    That's just one of many situations I can think of. Abortion has never been and never will be black and white. That's why on a social level, I always have to vote pro-choice because for every wrong reason, there is a right reason I just haven't thought of at the time. It's not my place to tell some little girl and her family (per my example) to go through the difficulty of pregnancy at a time when it is completely unnatural and inappropriate and unwarranted. That's morally wrong and it's cruelty.

  2. If you are really that devoid of empathy, I don't think anyone could help you to understand.

    Why would a woman who was violated in the most vicious way want to be reminded of the act everyday? Why would you force her, as if she is the criminal, to allow part of the man stay in her.  In addition to having your sense of safety shattered, you think it would be simple to then force her to give birth?  To have her body contorted, v****a stretched/ripped open, to go through the pain, and not have any say in it?  To make her be a mother regardless of her wishes - Wouldn't that be like raping her all over again?

    I'm not saying I personally would abort in this situation.  Truthfully, I don't know what I'd do.  I'd like to think I would give the child up for adoption - but we are not at liberty to decide what victim's do with their own bodies.

    Adoption is not always the greatest option either.  Especially for minority children, the chances of being adopted are not very high and they decrease as the child gets older.  To think the child is going to be swept away by Ward and June Cleaver isn't always realistic.  I don't know about you, but the idea that I might bring a child into this world who might spend the majority of his/her childhood in a group home feeling rejected by its mother is frightening.  And since mental illness does run in families, who's to say the child wouldn't suffer from his father's genes?  I could definitely see how terminating the pregnancy before the fetus is well developed could seem more humane to a rape victim.

    How someone could talk about rape victims with such a sense of moral superiority and callous disregard for what they've been through is beyond me.

    "Judge not, lest ye be judged." - Matthew 7:1

    "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone." - John 8:7

  3. If someone wants an abortion why do you care?  Thats between her and God.  Pro-Lifers are pro lifers and Pro-Choicers are pro-choicers.  They are not going to change their mind.  I don't believe in abortion, but if someone wants to do that to their body, I don't give a d**n

  4. The Supreme Court of the United States upheld that it was a woman's right to have the option of an abortion, and that that right was protected by the constitutional right to privacy. The reasoning went as follows: Men and women have s*x together, but only one is required to bear the burden an accidental resulting child would produce. If there is ever to be any measure of equality of opportunity between the sexes, it is necessary for the playing field to be leveled by allowing women the same options as a man - in this case, the option not to continue an unwanted pregnancy. If women do not have this option, they will always be secondary to men in terms of quality of opportunity.

    Several months ago I had an abortion because, although my boyfriend of three years and I are very much in love and expect to stay together for a long, long time, we are not yet ready for a child.

    I did not choose adoption for several reasons: my mother and father would flatly disown me, I would have to drop out of college for at least a semester to take care of myself before (and most likely after) giving birth, I'm not financially stable enough to buy a wardrobe of maternity clothing while simultaneously taking several months off of work, my own mother almost died in childbirth with me (we have very similar bodies), and most important by far, I could never live with another set of parents raising my child, or knowing a piece of myself was walking around out there somewhere in the world without me there to protect him/her.

    Please think very hard before you call this a "selfish desire". I thought about this very long and hard, and I realized that each day after the adoption I would have to think "Is s/he ok? Is s/he safe?" I would worry about his/her well-being the rest of my natural life because I, his/her real mother, wouldn't be there to protect him/her. It's a primal urge, the desire not to be separated from your cub, but a very difficult one to ignore.

    Edit: Nick...

    When I say "the man doesn't have to bear the burden" of accidental pregnancy (and in this day and age, with 99% effective birth control, believe me, it is an accident), I wasn't talking about financially, but your question made me think about it more, and actually, in the situation you describe, with the ideal accidental pregnancy ending in adoption, the woman would STILL have to bear 100% of the financial burden.

    In fact, during the pregnancy (which is the main time these costs would be incurred, if you chose adoption), the man is required to pay absolutely NOTHING in support of the pregnant woman. She has to buy all her own new clothing (maternity stuff doesn't come cheap), food enough to satisfy pregnancy cravings, and she has to be able to financially support herself if she has to take a couple of months off from work at the 8-9 months mark.

    If a woman is having a baby for adoption, she will easily spend several thousand dollars over the course of her pregnancy, and NO ONE except her will be required to pay.

    If she can find adoptive parents who want her baby before she gives birth, they may help her foot the hospital bill, but if she cannot find parents and doesn't have insurance, a birth can easily cost over 4,000 dollars.  

    And that's just financially. Haven't even touched on the huge list of physical risks which come along with every pregnancy, not to mention the literal weight the woman must carry and the tremendous amount of pain she will endure during the birth. The woman has to spend all the money and endure all the physical risks plus the outrageous amount of pain involved with the actual birth, which has absolutely no male equivalent. How is that equal?

    I really dislike the picture painted by the "men's rights to their offspring" argument. If, as you say, no one should be able to determine the bodily use of another (a woman ending her pregnancy), how can a man force a woman to bear his child?

  5. Only thrashy people consider an abortion. On one side I dont like murder on the other side I do like scum flushing their scum out of this world.

  6. If abortion was illegal, you would have less pregnancies and women being either less promiscuous or very very careful with their contraception.

  7. you MUST be a male. there are sooo many reasons...too many to list because it depends on the situation. and being a female, who had a friend get pregnant and decide to keep it, let me just say it is an emotional roller coaster especially for a teenage girl. it's not all about "the superficial obsession to a womans s*x appeal". there's so much more to it! think about what it does to your reputation. having a child and then giving it up for adoption shows the whole world that you had s*x. s*x is something private. a man doesn't have to deal with that! how do people look at unmarried pregnant women? with disgust. and that can do a LOT of emotional damage to a woman. and the whole process is sooo draining! she couldnt keep up with school because her pregnancy was immensely painful. something she was NOT ready for. it consumes your whole life! those 8 months are long too. its a physical strain as well.

    basically the whole process is mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting. i feel that a woman has a right to abortion. look at men! they can have s*x all they want and not deal with this c**p. YOU'RE the ones getting women leave us alone and give us a choice on how to handle the situation that YOU partly got us into. so its not all about superficial obsession of s*x appeal. it's about protecting your reputation and stepping away from something you're not ready to go through.

  8. birthing? who says that anymore? By the way, since you've got your life working so perfectly that you've taken it upon yourself to plan the lives of women, why don't you take the time and read up on why this is really NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS! I know, no one's ever put it to hyou this way, right? well, i just thought you should know.

  9. Abortion is murder. Plain an simple. Calling it another name just makes the person feel better about themselves.

  10. "Is it the superficial obsession to a womans s*x appeal? Are you too concerned for your shape and stretch marks and breast-sagging and ability to get a date that you are willing to kill a kid instead of adopting it when it comes to term?"

    Maybe yes. Maybe no. That's not the point though. The point is even if I was not raped, and won't die from birthing, no one has a right to use MY body for its own benefit against my will. Pregnancy is not easy and birthing is harsh no matter what. Why should I endure this because a random persom who would otherwise not care even if I died (I'm talking about you) believes that the zygote/embryo/fetus is a life? Even if I give birth, are you guaranteeing your home, money, and life to raise this child perfectly?

    "No one can foresee the childs accomplishments or potential for happiness"

    Right. And neither does anyone know if this child will grow up to be a murderer or a rapist or maybe even the person who is responsible for World War III. And your point is?

  11. I don't believe in abortion, But I can see if you were young afraid no-one to talk to thought your parents would kick you out on your A** if they knew you might do something that doesn't make any sense.

  12. livefree...

    how exactly does yielding women rights and privileges over a mans say equal?

    A man has a right to his own flesh and blood and the preservation of his offspring.  That is, after all, the whole point of having s*x from an evolutionary perspective.

    The choice to have s*x is no more the mans fault than it is the womans fault, and neither is more or less accountable.

    Pregnancy should never be regarded as an "accident" when s*x was a deliberate act.  s*x is for pregnancy!

    You say a man doesnt have to bare the consequences?  Really... is that why if a woman does decide to keep the kid, the guy still has to pay child support?  Or does he have the option to financially contribute or not?  I think if a man is willing to "suffer the consequences" he should have to right to decide.  And if a man refuses to pay child support, should he not be able to dictate whether or not he want an abortion?

    And its NOT the womans body.  She has NO SAY... over the murder of someone else.  Its the babies body she is killing, not her own.

    Quit with the female supremacy act


    Pineapple... devoid of empathy??  What about the empathy for the sake of the child... where is your compassion there?  Why a womans nine months of emotional well-being higher up on the latter of priorities than a human life?  Either way, the mother doesnt have to raise the kid... why do you prefer abortion over adoption?


    There is medical risk in pregnancy and child birth... there is also medical risk in abortion.  The risk to the fetus is pretty dire.  But birthing is natural and statistically not very risky at all.  So using the off chance that something might go wrong... something that could be corrected or treated.... as a basis of justifying abortion is only a selfish rationalization

  13. There is ALWAYS medical risk connected with pregnancy.  The question you asked is hypothetical and not based in reality.  EVERY pregnancy carries a list of risks as long as your arm.   There is no way to predict the outcome in the first few weeks.  I believe a woman has a right to reject those risks and choose a legal abortion in the first 10-12 weeks of a pregnancy.

    I propose this simple solution:

    If you are against abortion, don't have one, and don't have s*x with anyone who does not share your views.

  14. I do believe if there is no medical danger to the mom, no rape trauma that adoption is the best choice.. I say this because I do believe people should take responsibility for their actions and abortion should not be used as a tool to get the gender you want or for birth control.

    What seems to be escaping you is that many people do not believe in life starting at conception, meaning before the nervous system and brain are developed enough to feel pain or emotion. If it is not human, it is not murder.

    (Not my personal belief, just part of my answer to the rationalization that you asked about)

    If that is a persons heart felt belief then it would be useless to use the arguments set forth here because the embreyo is viewed as only so much hubris, and they feel nothing but the need to protect the right to what they do with their own bodies.

    The ladies that do think it is wrong to abort and do it anyway, you can't hurt or judge them anymore harshly than they have hurt and judged themselves. The men that help these ladies get pregnant don't have to go through quite the same range of feeling so it is easier for them in more ways than one, but it doesn't make them any less guilty.

  15. jerk there are so many reasons y abortion is still reconized some ppl dont have the money some ppl dont think there READY and what kind of future do u think adoption will give it if it aint adopted what kind of pain would u feel knowing that u have a kid somewere out there and not know a thing about it!

    think about it!


  17. Many have rationalized abortion by relating a fetus to a fungus or a bacteria that feeds off its host. You were nothing more than a blood sucking bacterial virus at one time, did you know that? In all bluntness, the truth is men and women alike want to enjoy the pleasures of s*x irresponsibly, but they don't want to take responsibility for their actions, because their own lives, looks, social status, financial status, and freedom is more important to them than their baby. Pretty disgusting, isn't it? According to one woman 80% of the population in some countries support abortion, that says a lot about the human race. Oh, Rene if someone wants to drag you into an alley and rape and murder you, why should anyone care about that, it isn't any of our buisness? s*x is the most open thing in this society, jeez, if homos and lesbians aren't ashamed, I really don't think a teen has anything to worry about. Excuse after excuse after excuse. I had children when I was sixteen, I raised them, I worked, sometimes 2 full time jobs, but I did it, they are living and breathing, even going to college, and to think it would have been so easy for me to deprive them of their lives, go out and make something of myself, be admired by the majority for killing them, but instead I chose to put myself aside because it was not their fault I got pregnant. How can anyone look an infant in the face and tell their mother they should have aborted them?! Like I said our society is turning into a sewer system. I did not say I felt that way, I said that is how many rationalize abortion. In all honesty I'd like to abort those that support abortion. Though shall not kill is also in the bible, or are we supposed to brush that one under the rug? ;-)

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