
If a woman weighs 90 pounds and drinks?

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If a 90 pound woman drinks 3 to 5 beers every night Sunday thru Thursday and gets smashed on Friday and Saturday and says that the beer is to calm her nerves is the 90 pound woman an alcholic




  1. yeah i would say she has a dependence on alcohol

    by the way my father (twice her size) probably couldn't drink that much without getting a little tipsy :S

  2. yeah ;;;;;;;;;;

  3. It sounds like shes dependent on it to "calm her nerves" So yes id say def. 90 pounds or 1,000 pounds.

  4. Yes I would say she's an alcoholic.

    I agree with the bet thing the other person said before.

  5. Calming your nerves is not a 7 day a week event.  Calming your nerves means once a week, once every few weeks.  This is just a lead-in to alcoholism.  Make that person a bet that they cannot stay away from all liquor for 1 week.  If they can, then it may prove to them they don't need it.  If they say they can, but they don't want to, they are an alcoholic.

  6. She will live a shorter life.

  7. how much she weighs doesn't matter, the fact that she drinks every night of the week makes her an alcoholic.

  8. Getting smashed twice a week is a good enough reason, drinking every day is enough proof.  Most people would take atleast 1 day a week off, even if they drink 1-2 beers a day otherwise.  

    Although... there is significant control in not getting drunk Sunday-Thursday -- presumably due to work.  This says to me that she is able to hold a job, and has some form of self-control.  

    I would say she is atleast dependent on alcohol, but probably an alcoholic.  If she doesn't get the beers during the week, I would bet that she starts getting the shakes (or the DTs, more general).  That's a serious condition, indicating that the alcohol has actually robbed her body of GABA, a substance which controls brain communication.  In place of GABA, the alcohol molecule took over.  This is OK, as long as there is alcohol.  Without it, the brain sort of messes up, giving shakes, seizures, heart attacks, things like that (the DTs).  These sort of people would need a medical detox to stop, where they introduce GABA and stop alcohol.  Whether this is the case or not, there's not enough to tell (calming the nerves may mean "So I stop shaking").  But 5 beers for a 90 lb woman is a lot, similar to 10 beers for a 180lb woman, or 12 beers for 180lb man.

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