
If a women makes more money than her boyfriend should she pay for most dates ?

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If a women makes more money than her boyfriend should she pay for most dates ? I ask this because if a man makes more money most(not all) women feel they shouldnt have to reciprocate/ take there man out sometimes. What do yall think ?




  1. Overall the expenses should be distributed according to income. A ballpark figure, not actually keeping track of the expenses.

  2. I think the person who asked for the date should pay for it or that they should go dutch.  However if your big concern is who pays for dinner or who makes the money the relationship has larger issues.

  3. It al depends on the couples views of equality. I personally think that f you are in this casual relationship you should take it in turns, or the person that arranges the date should pay. But if you are in a relationship then you should have a joint bank account.

  4. Yah its fair but if you follow that policy you are going to get left for some other guy.  Even most women who say they think it is fair will harbor resentment for you.

  5. Yes, she should.

  6. That's the way it was when I dated men that made less money than I did.  I also paid for the vacations.

  7. The idea is fair, but the reality is different.

    Women generally speaking, are against dating or mating with a man with less money.

  8. I thought it was ancient history that the man gets to pay for everything.

  9. I think they should switch it off every now & then. Give & take, she can pay one night, he can pay one night.

  10. A man can't take a woman on a date and make her pay. If she pays then she just took him out. In short who ever ask for the date should pay.

  11. If a woman makes more than her boyfriend, then she should pay her way and he should pay his way.  This is my personal opinion, of course. If it is applied in this scenario, it should also be applied in a scenario in which the genders are reversed to meet with true equality.

    ... Once again, my own personal opinion.

  12. It doesn't matters who pays, as long as the tab is satisfied at the end of the date.

    Dating is a 50/50 effort and both should take turns paying.  No one should have to pick up the tab all of the time--I call that being used by a sponge.

  13. the one who offers to go out should pay but the other should want to pay at least their half for good manners

  14. I would mainly invest the money in other areas of our relationship and we would figure it out how to spend the money.

    Dating should be romantic and not too self-examining of what each should do. You go with the flow, you play it fair. You want to feel like a man and a woman, not like co-workers. Neither do you want to be the overly dominant female dictating everything to your man.

    If I were on lots of money I would enjoy treating my boyfriend, but he would be wanting to earn money too for his own pride, and I would never take away from his pleasure in taking control and taking the responsibility of taking me somewhere special.

    If I were on lots of money he would be proud of my achievements.

    On a lighter note, it's kinda funny handing money over to a guy, or buying him stuff, and then that humor that arises because you are earning more than he is. It's the buzz.

    I like Shelley L's answer! ~

  15. No,  I think that both partners should share in the expense of the date.  Maybe she pays for dinner and he pays for the movies.   She pays for tickets but he pays for drinks, etc.

    I've always' made good $$, but I expect my dates (boyfriend now) be generous with their time and money as well.  It may not add up in dollars, but it has to even itself out.

    I don't get the "DIVA" mentality.  It's quite degrading to most women.  I'M worth every penny I make.  Noone has to give me gifts to make me feel "worth it".

    BTW.. I WOULD appreciate a thoughtful gesture from my man (a single rose, a homemade romantic meal, even just detailing my car as a "gift". ) It doesn't have to be monetary.. just thoughtful.  There are many ways to even things out when one partner makes significantly more than the other.

  16. Yea that sounds fair.

    If the man is the one who asked the woman out, and the date is his idea, he should pay for stuff though.

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