
If abatter swings and foul tips into catcher glove while a man is stealing, does the steal count?

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If abatter swings and foul tips into catcher glove while a man is stealing, does the steal count?




  1. If the guy is stealing the batter should know better than to swing unless it's a good pitch to hit.

  2. if there is 2 outs than no 1 or lower outs then yes

  3. No.  The runner would have to return to base.  If the batter had 1 or no strikes against him, then play would resume, but if  the batter had 2 strikes, he would be out.  Either way, the steal would not count.

    Does a steal count when he runs on a 3-2 count and the batter walks?  Same difference.

  4. This is the golf section, so you will probably get a lot of answers from people that don't really know all the rules in baseball.

  5. Sure the steal would count , if the runner was still on his base until the ball was in the catcher's mit , but he'd have a very poor chance of making it without any lead .

    Think of the play , as a caught fly ball .

  6. Of course. The definition in the rule book of a foul tip is a ball that strikes the bat and is caught by the catcher coming directly into his hand or glove. If the catcher drops it, it is a foul ball, not a foul tip. A foul tip remains in play and is considered just another strike; a foul ball is dead as soon as it strikes the ground in foul territory beyond first or third or is touched if it has not passed either base.

  7. Yes, the ball is live and any play that occurs is scored accordingly.

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