
If abortion can be a good choice, what about suicide?

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Many people say that if an unborn fetus has little chance of meeting a certain quality of life, either by disease or family circumstances, it should definitely be aborted. This is the position many women I know I have used to justify their own abortions. The quality of life is more important than the value of a life. That the compassionate and right thing to do is to prevent someone from suffering in the future.

What can be said about the teenagers, adults, and sometimes young children who are already enduring horrible suffering from disease? Is it compassionate to encourage suicide or force death upon those who are experiencing suffering in the present rather than just in the foreseeable future?




  1. Abortion and killing of any kind is wrong. It is murder. There are ways to get help for people who want to commit suicide. And there are people that cant have children that would love to adopt this babies that these woman are killing just because they dont want there body to stretch or they dont want to gain weight. I think it is sick. They should keep there legs closed if they dont want to get pregnant and have the baby.

  2. It is very difficult to give a clear cut answer.As I have said before,I am a man and I cannot,in good conscience tell a woman,what she can and cannot do with her own body.It is unfair of people to ask me to do so.Having said that,I am against abortion being used as just another means of birth control.A woman goes to a party and cannot keep her legs closed and just has an abortion to rectify the situation,to me that is wrong.Similarly a person wants to commit suicide to stop the pain of a terminal illness.I can empathize with their situation.I do not know what I would do in their situation.Suicide as an act of revenge or because they are weak,I cannot condone.The people who are left behind suffer more and for ever but,I do not know what is going on in that persons mind.For them it may be the only way to stop the psychological pain that they are going through at that moment.It is a difficulty that one should not be forced to make a decision on.Just giving this answer has made me feel bad.

  3. Abortion is the woman's's about what SHE wants. It's wrong to force or encourage a woman to have an abortion. And It's also  wrong to force someone to commit suicide. If someone wants to end their be it. It's THEIR CHOICE. but don't sit there and force suicide or encourage death  because they have a disease

  4. As with abortion, it depends on the individual case.  All in all I would say suicide is worse because it effects so many people in most cases.  On the other hand, if you have terminal cancer and all you have to look forward to is a slow painful decline and piling medical bills, maybe it makes sense to end it quickly.  

    It's not my call what someone wants to do with their own life.  If it's a sin, I'll let God handle it.  Either way, it's really none of my, or your, business.

  5. I accept abortion as well as suicide. If one is terminally sick the medical board should assist him to kill himself. Mental turmoil and pain is part of life. one should be trained on how to survive that situations.  

  6. That is such a lame excuse to give about abortions that these women give! Millions of people are born with disabilities and illnessess and lead a happy wonderful life.

    I heard of a story of a women who aborted a baby because it had a cleft palette, I have seen a girl ith a cleft palette and she was so pretty! You are right, what a terrible thought to give to someone who has an illness is that their lives are not worth living.

  7. Obviously, the argument has nothing to do with compassion or Kvorkian wouldn't have sat in jail for compassionate euthanization.  The argument is about whether the unborn is a human life and entitled to human rights and legal protection from unjustified/unprovoked violence.

  8. it is never wise to give people such ideas. Many people live alone these days and are fed up of  their problems. Of course abortion is not a solution and everyone should think before they bring a life in this world.

  9. I think abortion and suicide are different things

    abortion is no good,but it is the decision taken by may be a murder but suicide is a self made decision to end one's  own life which is worse.It is a cowardliness.

    In short abortion and suicide both are inhumane but suicide is worse.

  10. Tell me why suicide is bad?  Is it because it hurts the people around them?  Why should they care, they're dead.  It's selfish?  You got it, but that doesn't matter because who are they to care - they're dead!

  11. It's called mercy killing, euthanasia when some1 suffers from a fatal condition and is suffering immensely, mostly a choice taken by family members or by the person themselves if they are capable of doing so. I believe it is just as wrong as abortion and most people say it's merciful and compassionate but i believe that no-one can be more merciful and compassionate than God and life is a test, so all the trials we have we should accept them and with the support of others and faith be triumphant. I believe that the value of life itself is precious and we all have a purpose in life.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  12. I see what you mean, and agree to an extent. But what if the baby has no internal organs, or bones? I have heard of such cases, where babies are born fully developed without those kinds of cases, where the baby is pretty much dead already, I can understand an abortion. Or what if its a tubal pregnancy, where the baby is CERTAIN to die, no question about it, and most likely take the mom with it?

    Edit: kind of thinking is exactly what makes me fear for the morality of this country

  13. As a cancer patient I full support the patient's right to choose to die.  I prefer they go through psych screening first to make sure that is what they really want.  But I do support everyone's right to choose to die.  I sometimes hate that we are so tied to being afraid of death that we force people who are in misery to continue living through misery.  The cancer patient in pain (and having been on life support before myself, it is the worst experience and I WILL kill myself before I go through that again, and is partly why I have the opinion I have on this) or the schizophrenic who cant get away from the voices in their head.   It doesnt matter, but people for some reason think we should HAVE to live through that.  Why?  

    However, ther difference is this.  A fetus is not legally a human until it has drawn a breath of air by legal definition.  Legally, an abortion is not killing a human.

    With things like euthanasia or assited suicide or just suicide, it is legally killing a human.  They will all remain illegal because if not, it would be the loop hole for murder.  "I didnt murder her, I helped her choose to die"

    I am not really for abortion, because I personally do believe the fetus is a baby, and the baby doesnt have a choice in that situation.  But, I would never support legislation that banned it.  Unfortunatly, banning abortion would cause a huge surge of black market abortion in back rooms and alleys and cause a lot more harm.

  14. Fetus in not equal to a living human. End of story.

  15. So basically you're trying to speak out against abortion by comparing it to something completely different to make people feel bad for supporting a woman's choice to terminate her pregnancy?

    Obviously abortion and suicide are two very different, very separate things. An aborted fetus is never viable. Therefore it can't actually be a person. It is a woman's choice whether or not she wants to have a baby. Nothing more. Thanks to the US Supreme Court and the States, a woman doesn't have to justify her reasons for having an abortion to you or anyone else.

    As for suicide, if you really want to play this game, it's up the the individual. It's about choice. It has nothing to do with encouragement.

    See, a woman can choose to have an abortion for any number of reasons, not just because of how the unborn fetus will eventually grow up. Perhaps she simply doesn't want children. Maybe it is just really inconvenient for her to have a baby. Maybe she just wants to know what an abortion feels like. And she can have an abortion for any of those reasons and then some. So quit making idiotic comparisons just for the sake of trying to make women (and society) feel bad for their perfectly acceptable, perfectly legal decisions.  

  16. I think everyone has the right to their own choices.  Besides, I know you're trying to make a point, but it doesn't work.  You can't compare a fetus to a grown person.  A fetus does not comprehend the meaning of life or death.  It doesn't realize that it is dying or sick or anything.  I understand what you're trying to say, but it's not the best analogy.  Besides, why does it matter to you what other people choose to do in life?  There's more important things to worry about like children who are being born into poverty every minute. Like in Africa.  It's too bad those women can't afford abortions or family planning...

  17. There is always hope,never murder unborn children.It's COWARDLY!

  18. Abortion is only wrong after the first trimester, because the baby has a brain, suicide is a choice if the person wants to give up it their decision, it's up to that person. I think suicide can be justified just like abortion, it sound like you just do not want to end life, but some people want it, and if your so against ending life why would you eat meat, that's ending life just for your pleasure, abortion can also be justified because of overpopulation and if you have a baby when it starts eating regular food you are taking that away from someone who lives in a third world country, along with water, air , the list goes on. I was once suicidal, that was my choice and if I had wanted to end my life it would have been the easy way out but I would have been out of my pain

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