
If abortion is committed in a society where it is illegal, what should be the punishment and towards whom?

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If abortion is committed in a society where it is illegal, what should be the punishment and towards whom?




  1. 5 years in prison minimum.

    While i dont view it as equivalent to murder, your still killing what has the potential to, and is, a human life.

    5-25 years, judicial discretion along those parameters.

  2. Well I think that is up to the society to decide. Although if you want to go by what the crime is then the punishment should probably be along the levels of Voluntary Manslaughter and both Doctor and "Mother" should be punished. Actually if you want to have an idea of what the punishment would be in the U.S. then look up old State laws. Quite a few States still have laws on the books, remember State laws are overruled by Federal laws, in case Roe V Wade is overturned.  

  3. It is easy to get emotional about it and say something like, "the offender's reproductive capabilities should be permanently disabled" or "the death penalty", but that would go against the very nature of why abortion is wrong in the first place. Life is to be cherished, nurtured, and encouraged. I suppose imprisonment would have to do. Maybe by the time the offender got out, they would have realized that having the baby would have been much easier and more fulfilling than having sat in a prison cell for 9 months to 18 years!

  4. Due to the low chance that the person committing the crime will ever actually be caught, the punishment should be very severe to deter people from doing it. It is the same philosophy as people who litter, while the fine seems a bit ridiculous the reason it is so high is because of the extremely low chance of being caught. The crime is grave and I think the punishment should be 10-20 years in jail.

  5. Public beatings towards the people who created and support that archaic law

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