
If actions lead to a chain reaction, then why..?

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do negative chain reactions seem to progress easier than positive ones?




  1. Negativity proliferates at greater speed than positive optimism. This is probably because it is easier to give vent to the contents of one’s lower nature than to ascend to a higher moral ground. Negative chain reactions tend to require little consideration or thought and hence are assisted in their progress greater than productive chain reactions which by nature of being challenging and thought provoking place fear of appearing less than erudite or concisely intelligent in ones thinking.

    Counterproductive reactions to the mobile chemical reactor that is mans deeds and thoughts is cyclical and if orchestrated or initiated well engineered toward a desired goal or end. Blah blah blah ...

  2. To put it simply, there are more negative people than positive so things happen the way they do.

  3. Because the material world is the place for negative reactions. Being encased in a material body and mind is itself a negative reaction to our past actions. The material world can be compared to a prison and in a prison we can't expect peace and happiness. It is a place for punishment and suffering.  

  4. It's not that it's easier to downward spiral than upward, it's just that people choose pain over joy. Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light."

  5. Because positive chain reactions take effort and agreement of each link of the chain, whereas negative reactions are often forced upon people.

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