
If actions speak louder than words, isn't Russia a bigger threat than Iran?

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Why is Bush not adding Russia to any lists? They are attacking a free nation and we are doing nothing militarily?

I don't want WW3 anymore than anyone else, but it sure seems like this administration (and possibly the Dems too) only seem intent on threatening nations we know we can easily defeat. Where is the consistency?




  1. The US set the example, the Russians are simply following it.

  2. contrary to what you seem to want to believe, we're not bullying anyone, as for russia they although baring theirteeth innGeorgiaa, being of equal nuclear capability need more sensitive handling, andhave prrovenn sensible in the past, iran seems to have irrational leadershipadditionallyy,the problem with russia and georgia escalated, without the u.s.'s usual vigilanceor underestimationn of vladamir Putin, whichI thinkk is the more likely, bush went to far in trying to be buddies with him, as i see it, the problem is more of a putin thing than russian

  3. We have been trying to build a relationship with Russia. This situation is making it harder for us to remain friendly when we are completely against what the Russians did.

  4. Do you get your news from Fox, or something?  I'm not joking in any way what-so-ever when I say that what the US wants you to believe is NOT THE TRUTH.  Only those who get the facts from unbiased sources know what's really going on.  Get your facts straight.  Don't be a victim to the propaganda.

  5. russia defended its s. ossetians citizens that rebeled against the georgian goverment they quickly invaded to protect the people who are most russian in that region.

    and yes russia is also mad at georgia for their democratic siding with the west...

    i think it is not big enough reason yet... to start a war with russia but everyone can see it will eventually come to it :0  

  6. This conflict is less than ONE WEEK old!  Are you kidding???  It took YEARS for the U.S. to decide to confront Iraq.  

    Seems like you are going out of your way to find fault with your own country, like a lot of liberals do.  If we were intervening militarilly, you would all be screaming that we were rushing to war!

  7. They are allies and are working together.

  8. US citizens are not cowards, our politicians are greedy.

  9. We are not going to fight the Russians or the Chinese because we know that the conflict would quickly escalate into a nuclear exchange. Iraq is about the right size for our politicians.

  10. Yes, Russia's a bigger threat.

    Bush can't even hold his own in Iraq - he'd get slaughtered in Russia.

  11. Russia wasn't dumb enough to say they would strike Israel.  

  12. No, Russia is not a bigger threat to the United States than Iran is.  I think that is the point you are missing.  The United States of America is in no way cowardice--get some patriotism!  We have to look out for ourselves as a nation, and us 'threatening' Russia would not be in our best interest at all.  We must be careful of who's toes we step on, as any country does.  It is politics and simple common sense.

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