
If adoption costs so much then why.......?

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dont you just go to a place where children are living on the streets and take one home?? i mean it will be free




  1. Oh puleeeeeze

    Hi freedom, you are doing great work.  Would that be a literacy center (sorry, that typo made me laugh)

  2. The actual fact of the matter is that **Most** adoptive parents spend about a year or two just passing the background checks, completing the Home Study and training before they are even permitted to be considered as a possible resource for children.

    No we don't drive up and get them off the streets, nor do we order out of a catalog.

    Adoption IS NOT ALWAYS expensive and adopting a child from Foster care is Free and may include many post adoption supports as well as a Tax Credit.

    Adopting an ***apparently*** healthy, Caucasian new born may be expensive--and adopting internationally is expensive and it is the choice of the adoptive parents to decide which adoption path works best for them.

  3. Because you don't know if those children are in need of adoption or may be in need of health services, need to be reunited with their bio families, need mental health services instead, or what!  Children placed for adoption have either been voluntarily placed for adoption by a bio parent, or have had their bio parents rights terminated due to abuse or neglect or abandonment.   They are legally able to be adopted.  If people are wanting to help children on the streets, volunteer with an agency which is equipped to serve this population -- such as Covenant House, Big Brothers/Big Sisters.  Raising children is not free no matter how its done, through biology or adoption.  Whether its medical insurance payments, prenatal care, hospital bills, doctor bills or homestudy fees, adoption fees, and legal fees, etc. -- either way it's expensive to be a parent!

  4. Um, I think that's called abduction, not adoption...

  5. It is illegal  that is why.  In the US kids found on the street go into foster care.  If you just take one you won't hae their birth certificate info etc which you need to get a  SSI # which they need to go to school and to get a job.   If you go over sees and get a child like that you can't bring them back without paper work showing you are the parent.

  6. Okay, so much for that idea.  Any others?


    Hey, if you care that much, then the RIGHT thing to do is to take the child to social services, where they can find out what's going on.  From there, if you want to foster and maybe eventually adopt (if the child is eligible for that,) go for it if you're approved.

  7. this practice exists...but the kiddie pimps and pornographers have beat you to it...

    first, not every kid on the street is an orphan.  unfortunately, due to outrageous housing costs and our busted economy, many familes are forced to live on the streets.  and just because a kid is living on the streets doesn't mean that they want (nor should) be taken in by every person who walks pasts and throws them a piece of bread.

    the commodification and marginalizing of human beings makes me sick.

  8. You are free to take them off the streets but you cannot take them with you. They still belong to whoever is listed as their parents. But if you live in the same area you can take them clothe and feed them.

    As for the person who says that street children do not exist. That is bull. Look at this

    This is my home, this is where I live. These are the children I work with and care for daily. These are the children that I am building an litercy center for. They are street children and if the word orphans bothers you then I am sure we can create a while new word for them that will not bother you quite so much.

  9. Because even the children living on the streets have parents and it would still be considered kidnapping.

    Most babies and small children are not just abandoned. Their parents are usually homeless as well, be it drugs, medical problems where they could not work and lost their home, etc.

    Children that have had parents that have died will go to their nearest living relative if no one has been appointed, or to foster care and eventually put up for adoption. Your idea is ludicrous. Where would you get proper documentation for this child that you steal away from their parents? You have to have legal adoption papers.

  10. Because that would be KIDNAPPING

    And that is ILLEGAL

    And I'm sure some kid would just willingly go with some random stranger...ya.  Brilliant idea there.

    ETA: And where is this magical place where parents drop off and abandon kids or suddenly croak and leave their little orphans?   Is it next to Disneyland?  Or maybe it's by that Baby Warehouse where all these millions of unwanted babies are just waiting for some nice couple to take them home?


  11. Oh get real.

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