
If adoption was cheaper do you think more people would adopt?

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why does it have to cost sooooo much. people ....even middle class people do not have 10-20 k laying around.




  1. pfft. No! Most adults want to have their OWN children. They don't want kids that don't belong to them. I believe that adopting children is more wrong than abortion for some reason. Answer that.

    If adults don't want to have their own children and rather have a 'doll' as a child, then fine. But you can't put a cost on a parent's love for their own child, and then for their adoptive child.

  2. Yes, definitely. I think it's horrible that we put a price on children anyway.

  3. I think it would go up, but definitely not significantly.  You see couples who try for a baby and cannot succeed, go through procedures that are just as expensive, if not MORE, just so they can have a "biological" child.  Sad.

  4. Definitely

  5. In the UK it doesn't cost to adopt a child from the UK but there is still a huge shortage of adoptive parents.

    I think lots of people just don't think about adopting to be honest.  We have four birth children, all pretty much grown up and left home and are looking to adopt a sibling group.  We may even be eligable for funding and grants available when we adopt, depending on our income so money doesn't seem to be the issue over here.

  6. I would too.

    There are other ways to adopt where in the end it will cost less. If you foster first, the adoption fees are definitely less.

    I was talking with a friend who adopted twice. It was through an agency and both of hers were between 5 and 6K.

    Still though, I don't have that laying around either.

  7. I honestly think that more people would, but that may not always be good.  Right now most of the people that adopt are wanting to adopt and going to love on those kids and give them a good home.  If it was cheaper that may not be the case.  

    Honestly, if we can afford to adopt, anyone can.  I stay at home and my husband only makes $1900 a month.  We sacrificed all several levels because we wanted a family of our own.  I worked until we were ready to adopt, to help save up some money...we still have a loan, and will be paying for some time, but it was all worth it.  

    If it was cheaper...many people wouldn't have to sacrifice, and I think we would have some more problems.

  8. Hi,

    I think you could better approach this issue from a different angle.

    The presented line of thinking reinforces the practice that children are commodities whose prices can rise and fall to meet the demands from the people with money looking to adopt.

    First & foremost, Adoption exists for the benefit of children who need homes!  It should never be thought of primarily as a service for childless couples with money who need children.

    The number of children who truly need homes should not be changing according to how much the adoption industry is making off of each one.  The two numbers should be independent of each other in order to best serve the children.  

    When society adjusts prices to accomodate demand, the children's best interests are no longer the focus, the desires of those who are shopping for children are.  (Whether the adoption industry itself is a multi-billion dollar scam machine that needs to be reformed or eliminated, is yet another issue that I'll save for another question!)

    Thanks for asking.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  9. wow i didnt it was THAT expensive...

  10. Probably.  And if cocaine were cheaper, more people would use it.

    It's supply & demand, folks.  From Wiki:

    The laws of supply and demand state that the equilibrium market price and quantity of a commodity is at the intersection of consumer demand and producer supply. Here, quantity supplied equals quantity demanded that is, equilibrium. Equilibrium implies that price and quantity will remain there if it begins there. If the price for a good is below equilibrium, consumers demand more of the good than producers are prepared to supply. This defines a shortage of the good. A shortage results in the price being bid up. Producers will increase the price until it reaches equilibrium. If the price for a good is above equilibrium, there is a surplus of the good. Producers are motivated to eliminate the surplus by lowering the price. The price falls until it reaches equilibrium.

    It's not rocket science, just Econ 101.

  11. sorry but i totally dissagree with paying altogether - yes money should be given to the adoption agency or care home for funding but a child shouldnt be 'brort'!! as thats really what it is isnt it!! your buying that child!! them children come from backgrounds that could not be helped - why should somebody else rake in the money from them? id rather see the money actually go into a bank account or something for the child to be honest - that way we will know its going to something worthwhile!!

  12. Foster to adopt is free. Most people want this "picture perfect" white baby, which I think is so wrong. If people were really adopting for the right reasons, it would be free.

  13. I'd have to say that yes I think a lot more people would adopt if it was cheaper.  I know I would, but I can't even begin to afford it.

  14. Yes. I want to adopt a child from foster care but all the children are older then 5 and that's the highest my husband and I want to go. He doesn't want a stranger living in our apartment.  It also sucks because we don't make much money(we have enough to support ourselves) but we're not rich.  I agree it's stupid that it costs so much to get a child.  And people here complain about why you don't adopt.

  15. I personally don't think so (or at least there wouldn't be a big difference).  My mother told me that she would have spent every last penny she had and more to adopt me and considering how much in vitro costs and so many couples spend 10-20 k on various rounds of that, it seems to me that if a couple wants a child, they make it so money is no object.

  16. i know for certain that i would and my sister would like to in the future if she can get up the money so i would have to go with yes

  17. Every state has a list of special needs children that need a home and to adopt them it's only about $2,000 which is not much, most people don't know that but they consider siblings who must be kept together special needs and some of the disabilities are something as simple as ADHD! I wish more people would check into that and help out our own rather than adopting from other countries!

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