
If aeroplanes cause x amount more damage than cars?

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to the environment and we are all trying very hard to repair said damage, what is the impact of rockets being shot into space and is it justified to keep on doing it?

I am not for or against - just wondered




  1. Don't we release satellites into space via the rockets?

    Satellites I would have thought are quite vital to making the world  go round ......

  2. I'm afraid I put this whole "Carbon Credits, Carbon Footprint,

    etc.", on a par with the furore we had, that told us that all the computers would crash at the turn of the Millenium.

    Despite all the "Consultants" that sprang up like mushrooms

    and most of the firms insisting that you had your computer

    certified against this, it turned out to be a damp squib.

    I have no doubt that Climate Change will happen, I just don't believe that we are responsible for it. It's a natural cycle that

    has been repeated many times, through history.

    If the situation is as the politicians tell us, why isn't more money being channelled into engines that do not emit CO2??

    If trees can absorb carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere

    surely its possible to design (Invent) some form of gas scrubber which would clean up various emissions?

    Similar appliances are already in use on most establishments  which produce fumes.

    To finally answer your question, I think the impact from the rockets is of no consequence.

  3. Yeah, but how often do we launch rockets into space? Their impact on CO2 levels is almost negligible. However, if we did it on a regular basis, then it would be a disaster

  4. The "authorities" can ...explain away....anything they want.

  5. As long as those Boffins,don,t mess about with any of my family pet,,they can shoot each other for me. xx

  6. I have thought about this for many years but if they consider that ordinary commercial airliners are having an impact on global warming then the space rockets that use about a thousand tons of fuel a second must be detrimental to say the least. But to take the issue one step further, the ozone layer is acting like a bubble to keep the heat in, so every time a rocket pierces that bubble are we actually letting out the contained elements that they considered is caused by planes, cars and energy?

    I don't think that any scientist has really considered the impact and thought this through really.

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