
If after 12 years I found the email of the girl I loved what shall I tell her ?

by  |  earlier

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She never loved me because I was not good enough for her but now I am (I think )




  1. go!!!!  email her now.  tell her that you had been missing her for 12 years.

  2. tell her that u love her... tell her that if anyone is not good enough its her and to consider herself lucky... i'm cold... good luck

  3. If she didn't want you then..she's NOT gonna want you now..find someone else!

  4. after 12 years ????????  man .. u ;ve waited that long ? she thought u werent good enuf for her ? u think she's good enuf for u ?

  5. well you will never know if you don;t try right  but do you know if she is with someone right now or married...... if she is still single then why not  all she can say is 50% no  50 % yes

    good luck

  6. if u still love her , then u can go for her ... else u can take ur own path ... let it b, wat is ur age and at wat age did u love her .???

  7. Ask her how she has been.  Keep things very low key.  She may be happily married with kids, dog, house etc..  Everyone likes flattery, so even if she is, let her know that you always cared for her.  If she is single, get together for a 'coffee'.  You will know by the conversation if she is interested.  Go for it though.  You only live once.  Is it me????

  8. wow i would start talking to her and tell her you love her in person

  9. go for it

  10. Hello of course. But you dont want to scare her off so ask a few questions to see where she may be in her life. Give some details about yourself that lead her to believe your single and available. Dont get your hopes up though she may be married or have kids or in a relationship already. But dont hold back the fact you love her because if you never told her how would you live with it. I know I couldnt  After all people change emails so she may not be at this one anymore.

  11. Just be honest. Open your heart to her and tell her how you feel. After 12 years everybody matures. Just think positive. Good Luck

  12. go go go go go!!!

    go go sweety.....don't miss the oppurtunity......goooooooooooooooooooooo...

  13. This sounds like another one night stand is in the waiting till she finds some one else that can wet her whistle..better than you could ..then ...and what You think you can do. . . now.

    Pretend that your walking on broken egg shells and be very careful...

  14. just drop her a letter to see how she's doing, a casual mail???

    to see if she rights back!!! And how she rights back!!

  15. trust ur heart

    have a shot at it

  16. are u still in love with her and yes y she sended u this email after 12yrs i guess its a quiet a long time n as u said that now u r good for her then y u were not good for here 12 yrs ago? guess she just missed being in a relationship or miss being with u  but  12 yrs are quiet a lot think about that. good luck

  17. nothing she probally will not remember you

  18. Send her an email asking her how everythings been and what she's been up too, but don't say anything about how you love her right away. You probably want to get to know her again... You never know, you may not like who she is now...

  19. If you suddenly show up on her doorstep, you might spook her.

    You might ask yourself what you would want from her and what she might like to do with you. Perhaps if you offer a coffee or lunch at some public place to get reacquainted you can leave her an out if she's not at all interested. You might find that she's someone different too.

  20. o ya email her back

    and be her bf

  21. Think about it; the e-mail is 12-years old.

    It's a wonder why you kept it so long!!!

    Do you remember back to the events on the specific day???

  22. tell her that u just found her e-mail address after 12 yrs. and start asking questions .

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