
If after genetic check, none of Diana's son are from Charles can they still become King?

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If after genetic check, none of Diana's son are from Charles can they still become King?




  1. The question is academic. If it could be proved that one or both sons were illegitimate, they would lose their place in the succession.

    However, Prince Charles considers both to be his sons, and has publicly demonstrated his fatherly affection for both on many, many occasions.

    That being so, it would be unlikely that a DNA test would ever be called for, or required.

    Cheers :-)

  2. I think the only way legally this could be  done would be if one of the other successors to the throne  were to  challenge the legitimacy of the contender. Andrew for instance might say he believes that William and Harry are not the legitimate sons of Charles, but are the sons of Diana by some other father. I think then he could demand that a DNA test be carried out. This would create such a scandal it would probably bring  down  the house of Windsor and it is not likely to happen. One can see the resemblance between William and his fathers line of the family, and  one can  also see the resemblance between Harry and the Spencer side  of the family, especially the old Earl and Diana's brother. As you are aware not all children have to  look  like the father's side of the  family, some do  look like the  mother's. Diana may have been indiscreet at moments in her life when the choices she made  may not have been the best, but to give birth to two children who  were not her husband's I think this would not have happened. She may have been very naive in some matters, but she was not stupid. She well knew that her children/child would ascend to the throne of England, and to have b*****d children, never.

  3. I wouldn't have thought so. This is all academic because both William and Harry are the sons of both Charles and Diana

  4. We would never know.  It would bring down the House of Windsor.  Funny if Diana managed to do that even after she was dead.

  5. It's a nono.

  6. There will never be a DNA test so the question is totally academic. However, both of them resemble either their father or grandfather too much for them not to be related.

  7. No.  British law requires that the heir to the throne be a natural-born, legitimate member of the Royal Family.  If William or Harry were not Charles's sons, then they could not inherit the throne.

  8. Do you really think they're going to allow this? The monarchy is in enough of a mess as it is. Trust me, Charles only has to do a quick mental calculation and he'll know whether either of them is his or not. But the answer is something that will never be revealed publicly, or at least probably not during our lifetimes.

  9. we would never be informed of that even if they did the check. they wouldnt stand for a scandal that bad.

  10. No, they would then be deemed illegitimate.

  11. Huh

  12. No they couldn't.

    This is a frightening prospect as it would mean that Andrew would succeed Charles and then his daughters would follow. Whilst I have nothing against the Princesses a certain Sarah Ferguson would as the future Queen Mother be back on the scene!!!!!! Oh that would be V funny

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