
If aliens come from outer space and steal the Statue of Liberty, will McCain say it's Russian intelligence?

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If aliens come from outer space and steal the Statue of Liberty, will McCain say it's Russian intelligence?




  1. Good question. McCain could prove that Obama was in cahoots with the monument snatchers from outer space. He won't wear a lapel pin and he wants to stop you from drilling for oil on the moon!

  2. No, he'd say it was aliens.  Only Obama lies about such things because he has no experience with such things.

    McCain IS our new president.

  3. No, that would be Vladi P.

    Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08

  4. "Only Obama lies about such things because he has no experience with such things."

    sam c, are u tryin to say that mccain had a contact with aliens? :)

    thts pretty cool dude

    2 Jesse D: is it a new election system or are u just voting for the blog president? :)

  5. What would the Rooskies want with the statue of liberty?

  6. He'd use that to start a new world war because he just loves it when we fight and die for no reason.  

  7. Yes. But he will search after it everywhere especially in such countries as Ukraine, Georgia, Iran. Also he will discover this last one which is still virgin for US military.

    I think he will not go for it directly to Russia after big discoverers and travellers as Napoleon and Hitler.

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