
If aliens exist, what other reasons can you think why the government will not tell us?

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these are my reasons:

1.major global economical turmoil due to the collapse of financial stocks especially in the field of electrical power and crude oil industries

2.possible global religious rebellion by the believers since the the issue that the Bible is filled with ET phenomenon will be confirmed

3.violent rallies in a global scale. citizens will demand the oust of top ranking political leaders for the people do not trust them

4.heavy personal disillusionment of self-awareness since we will question ourselves as to what and who we are as a specie and where we belong in the universal community.

All of these will bring a global disaster since the foundational beliefs of our spiritual, psychological, astronomical, technological, political, financial and just about everything will be heavily doubted and question.




  1. The government keeps secrets because it thinks we don't need to know, or for reasons of national security. Would the existence of aliens fall within this category?

    1. I don't see why stocks would be affected by the knowledge that aliens existed. Unless there was some alien invasion like in Independence Day. Do you mean to imply that these aliens would bring powerful new technologies that will save humans from themselves? Leading to the demise of polluting industries? What if alien technology is even more polluting than the ones we already have? Or deadly in new and exciting ways?

    2.Believers will believe what they want to believe whether there is evidence to contradict their beliefs or not. There already IS evidence to contradict certain religious beliefs, but that hasn't stopped believers from believing. Don't underestimate the power of belief!

    Muslim clerics will declare the aliens to be un-Islamic and ban their appearance in the media, like kissing is banned. The Pope will understand he can't deny their existence, but will be in a tough spot. Perhaps they are Angels, unless they are Demons? [shrug]

    Whether an alien arrival will prove that Biblical depictions are ET phenomenon or not remains to be seen. Perhaps they are simply fictional??

    3. If the government tells the people the truth about aliens, why would the people turn around and riot and rally? The government has just told them the truth! If there was widespread evidence of aliens that was denied by the government, then perhaps there would be outcry. But without alien motherships hovering over major population centres, how would there be widespread evidence, and why would the government think they could continue to deny it?

    4. Don't you already question who we are as a species? Don't you already doubt what you have been spoonfed? Don't you already wonder where you belong in the universal community? For devout believers of religions, it might be traumatic to have aliens arrive. But it doesn't shake the belief of whether or not there is a God. Isn't it easy to rationalize that God made other worlds and other peoples as well as Earth? Successful religions will be the ones that embrace the reality of multiple worlds and sentient species. Religions will adapt or fail.

    If aliens were a threat, then we would be told. We would be mobilized to action. Unless the aliens were so overwhelmingly powerful and horrible that they were going to imminently destroy us, would it be better to let us live our last few years in blissful ignorance?

    Or perhaps facing an alien threat would be the thing that finally united humans as a species, and each government doesn't want to lose power to a higher government?

    I believe in aliens, but I'm not sure that the government is keeping their existence a secret. I think they just don't know.  

  2. I think it would scare the s**t out of a lot of people. I have known people who SWEAR they have seen aliens and I can't help but wonder if they are speaking the truth.  I do think you are correct about how people will take it. Christians won't be able to say that God made only man and they might have to consider the idea that aliens had something to do with us being here, which many people already do believe. It might even cause a civil war because there will always be skeptics, people who are willing to die for there beliefs even if you have the truth dangling in front of their faces.  

  3. "All of these will bring a global disaster since the foundational beliefs of our spiritual, psychological, astronomical, technological, political, financial and just about everything will be heavily doubted and question."

    No, only the spiritual and possibly in some cases psychological beliefs will actually be affected.  Science and technology does not require the existence or non-existence of ET's to function and will thus be unaffected except in so much as there is now evidence for the existance of them, but the validity of science and the scientific method and the functionality of technology will be unaffected by the knowledge of the existance of aliens.

    Since when have you had to convince your computer than aliens don't exist for it to not crash and since when have you had to convince yourself that aliens don't exist before you are able to do your homework correctly?

    I know I've never had to.

  4. There are about 150 governments on earth.  Are all of these governments suppressing the "truth" about aliens?  Why?  Many governments are mutually antagonistic. Releasing the "truth" could harm your enemy far more than you.  And please explain how all these governments could keep such a secret. "Three can keep a secret if two are dead"

      The simple truth is  that if there are aliens, they are very far away and they will stay that way.  We have not contacted any aliens.  None have come to visit.  And because of interstellar distances things will stay that way.  We will never know what humans would do if contact was made.  The only possible contact is by radio, and that would be exceptionally difficult for two reasons:

    1. It would be almost impossible to decipher an alien language.  

    2. Interstellar distances make communication very difficult because of the time between question and response which can range from many years to many centuries.  

    About the only  thing that could be communicated is mathematics and that is true only up to a certain point.  

  5. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance

  6. I would say that most of government actually would dismiss the claim as idiotic.  You give them too much credit.  

    If the governement knows of the existence, they would be hard pressed to keep it under wraps.  The main reason is to negotiate a technology transfer from the aliens to us, to be controlled by the reigning party/nation.  

    It would be in the government's best interest to actually let everyone know they exist - the ensuing panis would allow the power mongers to decree martial law and take over permanently to either "deal with this alien menace" or to show we are orderly and can peacefully co-exist.  We would then be pressed into funding weapons research, military transport and space defense, with little to check their authority and waste.  Companies would get into the market to capitalize on the possible access to funds and technologies.

    In our current state, I would think they have not arrived yet or they have not been discovered by us yet.

  7. The simple truth is, the aliens have a severe inferiority complex. They do not want us to see them because they think we'll laugh at them. This is because long travels through space, in deadly stellar radiation, have twisted their bodies. So now they look like shrivelled, diseased slugs instead of the strong, healthy slugs they initially were.

    In 1951, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (after having been abducted to Neptune in 1945) struck a deal with His Superiorness Lyffnwrig P. Xe Pjollnghte about this. Since then, the aliens provided us with their stillborn young, which are sold as edible snail to French restaurants, in exchange for us covering up their existence. This is a mutually beneficiary agreement, as it makes them feel less ashamed and fuels our French cuisine economy, and I do not want anything to seatroy this brittle alliance by spreading rumours and lies on Yahoo Answers. Yes, this includes you, "Snake Eyes".

  8. The first two flaws in this question are (1) that the government would necessarily be the ones to know about aliens, and (2) that they would have the power to hide that knowledge.  To the latter point, why would the aliens themselves agree for their presence to be kept a secret?

    The notion that the existence of aliens would destroy society as we know it seems largely speculation.  We've been telling each other fictional stories about space aliens for more than a hundred years.  It doesn't seem to be a taboo subject.

    You did give reasons for your belief that government would withhold knowledge.  But you didn't really explain how those reasons worked.  You just stated them as assertions of fact without giving any explanation of causation or evidence.  Point-by-point:

    1. Why would energy markets be especially vulnerable to knowledge of space aliens?  Do you mean to suggest the space aliens would bring with them advanced notions of energy, that would supplant the supposed hegemony of energy concerns?  Isn't this more of a political stab at energy commerce rather than anything to do with aliens?

    2. I'm not sure every reader of the Bible would agree that it is "filled with ET phenomenon," but certain people at the Vatican have offered the opinion that space aliens would naturally be included in God's creation and therefore would not pose a crisis of faith for Roman Catholics.  Other religious such as Scientology openly embrace the idea of space aliens.

    3. Wouldn't the continued concealment of space aliens give rise to MORE distrust?  If political leaders feared overthrow for having lied, why would extending the lie solve that?  Wouldn't that make it worse?

    4. See my general comments above.  Our fictional explorations of the topic suggest we might really enjoy being part of a galactic culture.

    So let's get right to the real agenda.  There is no evidence that space aliens are visiting Earth.  But there is a segment of the population that nevertheless fervently believes that, and wishes that belief to explain UFOs, abductions, mutilations, crop circles, and a whole other host of phenomena.  But in order to keep believing that, they have to explain why there's no evidence of that particular suggested cause.  And so far the only reason they can come up with is the speculation that the governments of the world have conspired in a massive undertaking to hide it.

    And there's no evidence for such a massive undertaking, so the UFO believers have to try to backwards-infer it from suspected, speculative motives.  Therefore a significant exercise among UFO believers is concocting a whole bunch of speculative reasons why the government would want to do that, under the flawed pretense that they DO want to hide it, and that motive alone is proof of actuality.

    In short, there's no point speculating about suspected reasons why the government would hide aliens, since its only purpose is to lend a whiff of credibility to what is essentially a line of wishful thinking.

  9. Since there is no physical evidence of aliens from other planets, there are no reasonable answers to the question.  

  10. i think that it will lead to the corruption of the system that the government has set up and the people will just go wild and protest to let it go or to kill it cause it might cause harm, or saying that it has it's life like we do. so it's better to keep these kind of things in cover so the people won't rise to power to protest against their plans...

    you where i'm getting to with this

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