
If aliens landed in a space ship..and you could talk with long would they hold your interest?

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After you found out all you wanted to know from them.....what would you do with them?

(I'm sure I'll get a lot of silly answers...but hopefully a few sincere ones too. .) (I know I'm setting myself up for silly answers. And skeptics...just try to use your imagination...PRETEND this could happen!)




  1. Hmmm!! It seems the small mind is on the earth side.  The aliens would have nothing to talk to you about.  The question should be: How long before they realized, if they haven't already, that we are really ignorant and backwards?? I would think they already know this, thus the contact is so small with ordinary people, people who just sit in front of their computers and think this is life.

      I would also think that there would be nothing in common between them (aliens) and us, except for the fact we do have some potentials if we don't kill ourselves first.

      And as for pretending this could happen..naw, it already has!!

  2. If they landed. and they would talk to me about traveling throughout the universe, i'd go with them.

  3. Probably longer than I would talk to aliens walking across our borders.

  4. I would probably pass out from exhaustion long before I wanted them to stop answering questions. However, in a more realistic sense they would hold my interest right up to when the U.S. Military (and other US Government forces) arrived.

    Any gifts would be immediately taken away under the excuse of "National Security", one would have to sign a security agreement never to speak of this and if one broke this agreement all evidence that this actually happened would be impossible to find because it would be hidden under "National Security"

    Of course Skeptics would want the anal probe (that might say something about their personality (shrug)) but you would have no evidence. Since their technology probably defies our current understanding of physics you would be called crazy until centuries after you were dead (Like

    DA Vinci's crazy ideas about flying through the air in machines)

    So in summary right up to the arrival of the troops.

  5. What would I do with them? Well, let's see...

    1. Have some nice dinner.

    2. Talk about global warming.

    3. Ask how and if they can help us to heal ourselves and the planet.

    4. Watch some bands, hang out at the beach, share a spliff...enjoy life.

    5. Then get stuck into fixing up this planet!

  6. I'd go with them. Seriously, I really would.  Anything would be better than staying here for what's coming.

  7. About a couple seconds.

  8. For as long as keep answering my questions.

  9. Having had memories of what you're referring to is agonizing since they made me forget most of it anyway. So, in that respect: asking them seems kinda pointless. I had recently wrote my therapist about some of these retrieved "repressed" memories throughout my life, and he claimed he would destroy them. Do you think I can believe that as well? Just pretend that what I'm writing here is true no matter how silly you think I am.

  10. depends...they hot?

  11. For the rest of my life.

  12. Hey Donie,

    I have attention deficit disorder,(ADD) so about 2 seconds.

  13. Usually, it's the other way around...  

    I'd probably see one of their big almond shaped eyes glazing over, and looking down at their intergalactic watch, then that little area with no mouth would start to move around like a yawn, but couldn't.

    Then, the long green leg would start to slide away from me, and I'd see all the others heading back to the ship mumbling something like, "Yeah, Zoik was right... we came all the way for nothing,"

    ... and then my new thin green friend in front of me would either zap me, or say, "No hablas english" and run back to the ship.

    I couldn't think of any silly answers, so I just came up with this.

  14. hi denie

    well i wouldnt get sick of them, but then we really dont know what they would be like. (they could have an aggressive manner) i would enjoy learning from them about the universe and our planet, so what would i do with them after i learnt everything from them, id have to say that they would proberly still have their own lives, they would come and go, but  they would always be welcomed by me, when ever they dropped by... if they ever needed our help with anything i would always be at their service the best i could, so i suppose i would treat them just like one of my friends,

  15. If we found some common mode of conversation I don't think I would ever grow tired of speaking with them.  There are so many things to learn and know about this planet.  Can you imagine if you opened the possible pool of information to encompass a much larger portion of the universe?  That would be fantastic.

    You really don't need to have a disclaimer for the skeptics here Denie.  What you are proposing doesn't require any paranormal or supernatural things to happen, so it's a perfectly legitimate question.  Sure, it might be improbable that extraterrestrials find our little speck of a planet, but it's possible nonetheless.  In other words, I am open minded to the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

  16. This very well could happen.  You cannot prove aliens do not exist, so there.

    Well assuming they don't experiment me and all...I would hang out with them.  I can't get any friends on Earth...maybe another planet will be more friendly...

  17. donie, after I learned stuff I would kill them so they didnt kill me first. that is what they do. they pretend to bge your friend and tell you stuff and then kill you when you arent looking.

  18. They would hold my interest right up until they pull out the rectal probe!

  19. what makes anyone think if they landed they would be here for peaceful purposes? would you want to tell them everything about this planet? this notion that aliens are coming to to be all warm and fuzzy with us is fine, but think of the other side of this debate. if we had the capability to travel to another planet and our own planet was dieing from what ever the cause, would we not be out looking for a suitable planet for our species to survive on? And if we found one that was already inhabited would we not be measuring them up to see what if any resistance they would give us? survival is survival. the fact that every so called known encounter with aliens has not been a pleasent one should tell you they are experimenting on us, they are anylizing us, and for all intents and purposes, having their way with us.

  20. hmmm... that would be cool.

    i dont think i would ever get tired of chatting with someone extra-terrestrial.

    of course, i would answer the same regarding 'just pretend Elves exist...' or 'just pretend talking pizzas exist...'

    d**n, i must be getting hungry.

    talking pizzas sound pretty good.

  21. It's just like human beings, you'd try to get to know everything about THEM. From their hobbies to emotional states to their interests, etc. I want to find out how they deal with life in general, have a theological discussion and just their past history.

    I wouldn't being friends with them. A guy and his alien friend.

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