
If all 3 candidates believe Global Warming is true, than what's the point of arguing it's made up?

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If all 3 candidates believe Global Warming is true, than what's the point of arguing it's made up?




  1. Exactly.

    Some people like to hear the sound of their own voice.

  2. Conspiracy theorists don't care what anybody else says.  They're going to remain in denial no matter what.  There's no point to it, except to maintain their denial.  The good news is that the world (even the Republican Party) is moving on without them and figuring out how to solve the problem.

  3. "If all 3 candidates believe Global Warming is true, than what's the point of arguing it's made up?"

    Shouldn't we try to find the truth? Regardless of the candidates positions, I and others will still be looking for the best possible explanation of this warming and for a better understanding of climate in general. There are too many loose ends in this theory to just forget about looking for answers.

    I am in this for science first, politics second.

  4. If global warming is suppose to be a scientific issue rather then a political one, then how can the argument be over?

  5. all 3 of the main candidates are also idiots.

  6. Denial is one natural human response to a threat.  It's a coping mechanism that reduces stress.

  7. All three of the candidates are.... not smart.  At least average, I hope.  They certainly have fallen for the hype, that's true.

    However, there is nothing to say they can't be influenced while in office.  Clinton just follows the polls, Obama does what he's told (by Durbin), and McCain can be easily swayed.  So to just give up doesn't make any sense, when a well informed public can still have influence through letter campaigns and polls.

    Just remember, the President does not work in a vacuum.

    Oh, and GW is not "made up".  It is more correct to say that it is "overly hyped".  In other words, Al Gore's version of GW is a lie, where as the scientific version of GW is still indeterminate and needs more study.

  8. I wonder how many of the people calling all 3 candidates stupid, could graduate with a Juris Doctor degree from Harvard magna kum (spelled wrong to get through filter) laude (Obama), or a Juris Doctor degree from Yale (Clinton), or make it through the US Naval Academy and flight school (McCain)?

  9. Obama and Clinton are certainly intelligent, not so sure about McCain, but that doesn't mean they know the first thing about global warming.  Obama can't even remember hearing what his preacher told him.   Clinton can't remember all sorts of things when it came to Whitewater, her finances, or her other various scandals.  McCain is probably the least intelligent among them but the one who actually has much more common sense.  The most dangerous place to be is between any of  them and a camera.  American presidents are not Kings (or Queens).  There is still plenty of room to argue.  Sometimes it seems that facts don't mean anything to some people, especially politicians.  Politicians love to save people or promise to anyway, even when they don't need saving.

  10. Do you realize how many things I disagree with, concerning each of the candidates? I really don't feel right voting for any of them.

  11. Here's the deal with Global Warming.  It is real, just like global cooling is real.  

    Were we experiencing global warming 10 years ago? Yes

    Does that man it's man-made global warming? No

    It's retarded to try and argue that global warming doesn't exist.  What's up for debate is whether or not we're causing it.  I don't think we are.

  12. Just proves that "global warming" is not a scientific issue, but is a political one.

    So you believe politicians?  I didn't know anyone followed the politicians in lock-step.  You're very unique.

    This should really be a scientific issue, but it's been so clouded by politics that it's gotten out of control.

    Most scientists now say there is absolutely no proof tha humans cause climate change of any kind.  Also, CO2 is too minor a gas in the greenhouse layer to cause any effects whatsoever.  It's been both warmer and colder in the past.  The ice caps are not melting according to NASA and all other science sources.

    You got "punked" but that's what you get for believing politicians without doing your homework.

    Science doesn't matter now that it's a political issue.  Expect even higher costs for everything as your freedoms go away.

    Be sure to thank Gore and all the other environmental kooks who have made a small fortune off this scam.

  13. Who ever told you that presidential candidates are smart.  They should have said don't believe everything they say. Or anything they say.

  14. Making the oil more expensive and more and more...

  15. People refuse to believe that their bad habits contribute to something so horrible so they deny it.

  16. Well, the main point would be to oppose them and their plans to use the global warming boogie man to strip us of our freedom.

    Even the global warming "scientist" are back peddling after the earth has been cooling for 4 years and are now saying that's its going to continue to cool for the next 20 years.  That doesn't jive very well with the very models they are using to scare the dumb masses into slavery.

    The are saying a "natural" climate variation is causing the cooling.   Funny how that works, natural variations can cause cooling but not warming?

  17. thay say any thing too get your and my vote

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