
If all Humans vanished tomorrow... what monument or man-made structure would last the longest.?

by Guest33349  |  earlier

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Not counting two easy ones - space craft and nuclear waste.

Also has to be on earth. One more Lunar foot prints don't count, though they might outlast the great pyramids.




  1. It depends on what kind of catastrophe.... if an asteroid hits earth, probably nothing.

  2. a vw beetle

  3. Mount Rushmore and the Hover Dam would be two of the last remaining human structures.  Both would stand the test of time the longest, outlasting the pyramids and the great wall of China.  Mount Rushmore as a rock structure would reamain for maybe a few 100,000 years, however the faces on them would be gone after 10,000 or so due to erosion.  The Hover Dam would also give way after 10,000 years or so.

  4. Stone or bronze structures. e.g. the pyramids, or the statue of Atlas in Rockefeller Center in NYC

  5. I think you answered your own question: the great pyramids. That's just my best guess; not at all based on any kind of fact.

  6. Hm, I'd imagine that buildings and bridges would be there, covered in vines, for quite some time.  Course, eventually, all would be destroyed.

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