
If all I taste is salt does that mean I am lacking salt?

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I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and everything I have ate today tastes very salty, its almost the only thing I can taste. I've had cereals, hot chocolate, pizza, sandwiches etc. and all I can really taste is the salt.

Does this mean that I'm lacking salt in my system?




  1. I don't think it means you lack salt. It could mean you've had too much salt. Try eating a banana each day, with an orange juice chaser, and see if it doesn't correct itself.

  2. i don't know about lacking salt but I would advise you to check your teeth and gums - women are really susceptible to gum disease because of bleeding gums during pregnancy (no idea why) and the blood/saliva may taste a little salty.  Just a thought.  Oh, and I'm a big believer that if you are actually only craving salt, it's a boy, hehe, my Irish roots!

  3. I don't think so.....i would just say you are taste sensitive. I do that from time to time and I'm 17 weeks.  

  4. An old wives tale is that you are carrying a boy if you crave salty stuff.  

    Perhaps you're missing something in your diet.  Watch for swelling feet, hands, and face since you're craving salt, and do mention that you're craving that much salty stuff at your next doctor appointment.

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