
If all human are fully educated about the rules and regulations of the country than why is election neccasary?

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It is found that now a days in india ferquent elections are held but all election campaign is not for awakeing national spirit but it is only for self benefit than all educated people must start boycotting all types of elections.One will arise a question than how do nation ruled.This is only wrong belief that leader or any political party is require to rule a nation.Its totally wrong complex. Nation is ruled by all IAS officer so those educated people are not at all given importance.Only they have to plan and thay have to give new ideas. Implementation are done by leader which is tottaly contraversial in term.Please make it clear that this question is not asked only for asking but it require deep thinking because after lots of years after indian independence single human is not having respect for election.Humanity is to be generated.Without humanity no positive result is expected.




  1. All humans can be educated but will they become wise too?

    Being a leader and a follower takes lots of understanding when it comes to educated mass. The very reason why even after 60 years of Independence no politician really wants to stress hard on education.

    But lets suppose all of citizens are educated, even then we need to elect a wise person to guide nation as not all are capable of doing it. You may be good in something and I in another. But we all can never be good in all things.

    Wise representations are indeed always required to set guide lines. Education only helps in choosing the right person for the job and making sure to implement the guiding rules sincerely. Its That Right Person who will set the most suitable rules and look out for constant improvements in them without being fanatic about it.



  2. We play democracy. It's fun and serves as therapy for Americans and their boring routinary lives

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