
If all humans are equal......?

by  |  earlier

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How come some are soo godly and some are so worthless? It's because they are not eqaul. There is superiority. None the less, people should all be treated equal. BUT NEVER SAY PEOPLE ARE EQUAL. NO ONE PERSON IS EQUAL TO ANOTHER PERSON.




  1. truth is humans are not equal in ability, but we are all equal in value and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  In America we are also supposed to be equal in the court of law.  Equal in treatment but not in application.

  2. It's the idea that ALL human beings ARE equal - regardless of income, gender, ethnicity, race, etc.  

    That's not so hard to understand.

    There are still hierarchies, class structures, ect. but when it comes down to it, we all live, breathe and die. See, all the same.

  3. You are right. People should be TREATED equally under the law, but there are definitely people out there that ARE better than others.

  4. You sound a little confused.  All people have equal unalienable RIGHTS.  Think of equal rights as a boat.  EVERYONE has a right to be in the boat regardless of their skin color, genitalia or way they part their hair.  How we pray, dress, court, cut our hair, how hard we work and study (or not), how we rise within ourselves INSIDE the boat are individual decisions.  PEOPLE are not equal.  People are unique.  But, all people have equal RIGHTS.  People have fought for legal protections of their unalienable rights for thousands of years now in order to be FREE of the tyranny and oppression of those who want to dictate who is "superior" enough to be allowed in the boat.  Those who would force their individual visions of how we should behave inside the boat are the social disease that hobbles the rise of humanity above grunt-dom.

  5. No, we are not equal, as you say, but we all deserve same oportunities and worth the same because we are equal in dignity, we have born equal and free.

  6. well, which is it?

  7. You know it's funny, I'm not Oprah either. What are the chances?

  8. All people are equal in the rights that they deserve.  You cannot tell me that one person does not deserve the same things as everyone else.  Sorry.  Get off your preaching stool and go read a book.

  9. I know you and I are not equal to Oprah!!! I wish I was though......... to have all the loot is INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!!!

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