
If all monkeys were created do monkeys have their own Gods and prophets?

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All our Gods and prophets have human characteristics, so do monkeys in their own minds have a monkey God? Do their Gods scratch themselves and eat ticks off each other?




  1. This is the best twist so far on the "if we evolved from monkeys why do monkeys still exist" question I've seen.

  2. ....yeah ...totally .........

  3. you can differentiate between monkeys and humans?

  4. That is not a question that science can answer.  We can't really get into each other's minds, let alone another species.


  5. Are you applying for the job, or looking for your leader?

  6. You yourself are the God of the monkeys!  And yes, you do share many of their characteristics as we all do.

  7. By that question I would surmise that you are intellectually challenged. I'd rather answer a question from a soap dish.

  8. I know your kidding but in a way you may have a point.  I have had cats that I swear think that I'm God. They look at me with such loving eyes and follow me around. Not all cats I've had but a few. Also, for some species that have a dominant leader I imagine that there could be a sort of worship going on. I'm sure I'm not first to notice this.  Possible there might be studies on this, you might look it up.

  9. no they have no ability to read...same God made them but theyre unimportant...just for entertainment

  10. I always found it best to go to the source, so why don't you ask a monkey and see what he or she says.  I hope you can speak the language so you can interpret for those of us who aren't fluent.

  11. depends on what you believe, i dont believe monkeys, have gods but dont believe me im a ATHIEST

  12. There is only one God who created all things.

  13. Theres no god for monkeys, neither for humans.

    God is used for manipulating people, no offense.

  14. yeah, didn't you see Planet of the Apes

  15. I laughed so much I cried. Thanks for making my day.

  16. Yes. His name is George Bush.

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