
If all soldiers were "war heroes" like McCain, wouldn't there be no one left to fight anymore because... ?

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everyone got themselves captured and are sitting in a POW camp somewhere?

After graduating 5th from bottom in his flight school, ranking number 894 out of a class of 899, McCain went on to lose a total of 5 Navy aircraft. The first four were lost due to pure accidents unrelated to combat. His 5th and last he lost when he was shot down over Vietnam after only about 20 combat hours.

Seriously, isn't this what you're NOT supposed to do? Shouldn't this be made an example of why kids should pay attention in class?




  1. Go to h**l you jerk. I hate douche bags like you who don't respect, and support our wonderful troops who are saving an have saved your ***.

  2. Seriously, you are sick.  

  3. And while sitting in that POW camp John McCain showed his immense integrity and leadership by refusing early release, choosing instead to stay with his men.

    After graduating among the top of his class, Obama went on to align himself with the most despicable America-haters and domestic terrorists he could find.  His own wife has said she is not proud of her country, despite graduating from Harvard.

    What do we learn? Higher education does not translate into genuine integrity and question.

    The rest of your question is just plain silly.

  4. OK, fellow- let's see you climb into the cockpit of a fighter day after day and fly into hostile territory. How many planes were lost in the explosion that almost killed McCain- you counting that one, too?  I have never heard anyone say he was a bad pilot. Bad pilots in the Navy get reassigned, and there is an investigation into EVERY aircraft incident.  If the findings were he was incompetent, he would have been grounded. Simple as that. . Now give us YOUR credentials- Air Force? Navy carrier pilot? How many combat missions to your credit?  If you have not been in combat, I suggest you keep your mouth shut, because you do not know what you are talking about.

  5. How many liberals will ask the same questions about McCain's service.

  6. Col. Bud Day, his Medal of Honor and the McCain campaign's abuse of our nation's highest award for valor.

    By involving his Medal of Honor in politics and using it as an authority to trash other veterans, Day has "opened up his character as a war hero" for criticism. Day planted the standard for himself when he said that "Kerry's character is not only fair game, it is the primary issue."

    Day's character and the legitimacy of his Medal of Honor "is not only fair game, it is the primary issue."

    Military regulation requires that before the award of a Medal of Honor can be considered, unquestionable proof in the form of eyewitnesses must be provided.

    Day had no witnesses because he was alone. Why was the "eye witnesses" requirement waived for Day?

    Who approved Day for the Medal of Honor and did McCain or his admiral father have anything to do with it?

    John McCain and Bud Day have formed a political tag team to deflect inquiries about McCain's questionable conduct while in captivity. They have cynically used the Medal of Honor as a shield - but in the process they have stained it.

    Songbird McCain gave the enemy information that gave them about a 60% increase in tactical advantage

    John McCain Radio Broadcast on June 2, 1969 in Ha Noi


    proving his "Country before self" and "Code of Honor" are outright lies!!

    Today he is claiming "when they learned my dad was an admiral they offered me early release"

    His own words in his personal account given to "USNews and World Report" show THAT is a LIE!!

    John McCain, Prisoner of War: A First-Person Account

    By John S. McCain

    I said, "O.K., I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital." He left and came back with a doctor, a guy that we called "Zorba," who was completely incompetent. He squatted down, took my pulse. He did not speak English, but shook his head and jabbered to "The Bug." I asked, "Are you going to take me to the hospital?" "The Bug" replied, "It's too late." I said, "If you take me to the hospital, I'll get well." "Zorba" took my pulse again, and repeated, "It's too late." They got up and left, and I lapsed into


    Sometime later, "The Bug" came rushing into the room, shouting, "Your father is a big admiral;

    now we take you to the hospital."


    the point is they KNEW his dad was an admiral within days of his capture

    In that same article in his own words he mentions Christmas 5 times but  NEVER the "Cross in the Sand"

  7. since you obviously have never been in the military and dont know what your talking about, go post on your nutcase liberal blog.

  8. If John McCain wasn't running for president, would people's outlook (specifically these hateful comments people are leaving for you) be different? Surely there are far more heroic service members out there... heroes that we would want all people to look up to. It's too bad that the race for the presidency is clouding their judgment.  

  9. what?

  10. I don't want to degrade his service to our country....I simply believe the best heroes don't need to repeatedly say that they are a hero an repeatedly discuss their heroic begins to look far less heroic.  

  11. I would never vote for McCain, but at the same time, I would never question his military service.He's a hero in my eyes by just being there.I also think the Vietnam war and Iraq was a mistake on our part,but he was called and he served.You can't ask anymore from an american.

  12. He might not of been the brightest in school, but he sure wisened up and pulled his act together after enduring 5 and a half years of torture and malnutrition etc etc.

    He is permanently disabled now, he can't raise his arms above 90 degrees.

    When your in the Air force, it's not like Ace Combat 6 where you have infinite machine gun ammo, 500 rockets, and 100 secondary special rockets.

    You got maybe 5 rockets max and 250 rounds of ammunition for your machine gun (I think that is basic specs on the F22A Raptor, current Air Superiority advance tech fighter for the Air Force.) So maybe 4 rockets and 150 rounds ammo on a plane.

    In those 20 hours of combat he might've landed and taken off 15 times.

    and **** happens when flying, unless you were in the cockpit with him, which I know you weren't you don't know what happened to the plane, mechanical failure happens, I know, shocking.

    Once again, unsupported liberal rants..

  13. When posting **** that crazy it's a good idea to list a source.

  14. Making fun of a man who served his country, was a prisoner of war for 5 1/2 years, tortured and disabled.

    You must make your mother proud.

  15. I'm sure McCain planned on getting shot down and imprisoned. That is such an ignorant question.

  16. McCain flew multiple successful combat missions in Vietnam, all of your post is 100% bullshit.

  17. And this has what to do with the election or the person running for president.I really wish you could go thru the fun of being shot at, bayoneted in the groin, have your shoulder shattered and then go to prison camp.

    The man at least fought for his country, I absolutely hate Husseins lack of patriotism and like him even less, he and his unapreciative black panther wife.

  18. 1. He didn't "get himself captured" he was shot down.

    2. Its no secret that McCain wasn't the greatest midshipman. The whole beauty of his story is the change he went through while being a POW. He went from being a carefree and lovable rogue to a serious and responsible aviator.

    3. Losing aircraft due to accidents, like fires on aircraft carriers, is not the fault of the pilot.

    4. Finally, a great example of what not to do is sit on the homefront and spread slander about those who fought. Yes, that means you.  

  19. I think it's hilarious that 4 years ago, you libs were celebrating a record almost as impressive as McCains.

    Now, you rip it apart.  lol

  20. If John McCain becomes President, I wonder how low he will set the bar for judging future presidents.  

  21. Huh ? You are a nut case  

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