
If all stars have a finite life...and our sun is a star...

by Guest61538  |  earlier

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How soon before it burns out and all living creatures freeze to death?




  1. 5 Billion years until the Sun burns out but we'll be dead long before freezing.  It'll flare up and engulf the planet before it goes out.

  2. Well, you are partly right and partly wrong...

    The Sun will consume all of its available hydrogen gas in its internal

    fusion process which is squashing hydrogen atoms into helium atoms. That is the process which is releasing all that massive amount of

    energy in the form of heat and radiation. That time has been estimated

    to be in about 4 1/2 billion years.

    at that time, the Sun will begin squashing Helium atoms into other forms of matter and expanding to four or five times its normal size.

    In the process it will absorb Venus, Mercury, and the Earth because of their close proximity.

    Now with the Sun expanding to such a huge size all things on Earth

    will be fried to a crisp, not frozen at all. No one ever said that the Sun

    was going to wink out on us. Way - way before it does that there will

    most likely be a huge - massive - monstrosity of an explosion and flash of light that may last for several weeks or months.

    So, I would not make any airline flight schedules four and one half billion years from now.


  3. Hahahahaha  

  4. Our sun has been active for five billion years, it uses five million tons of its mass each and every second, but it is estimated the our sun has enough hydrogen to sustain it for another five billion years, then the radiation pressure will overcome the pressure of gravity and our sun will enter the final stage of its life, it will begin to expand into a red giant. This will be the beginning of the end of our solar system. Earth will be consumed in the fire ball.

  5. 5billion years.

  6. Actually its a little more complicated than the previous answers suggest.

    As a result of the nuclear fusion in its core - the sun is slowly getting hotter and brighter. Consequently the earth will become uninhabitable long before it dies, in about 1-2 billion years.

    The current models of stellar evolution suggest that it won't go red giant for ~7 billion years. And then, in the first red giant phase it won't engulf the Earth, but it will scorch it.

    Then in the second red giant phase (AGB phase) it will swallow the Earth.

    But since we or an asteroid will have wiped out the human race long before any of this - there's no point in panicking

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