
If all the Earths heat moves toward the frozen poles...?

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...will the poles melt and the equator freeze? Or will the constant heat from the Sun really s***w things up?




  1. All the heat doesn't move toward the frozen poles.  If it did, they wouldn't be frozen, but we would.  The polar ice caps are, however melting faster than they should be, due to Global Warming.  This is diluting the Gulf Stream which brings heat up from the tropics to warm North America ans western Europe.  This is diluting the salinity that keeps the Gulf Stream circulating.  If it stops, Much of North America and Europe may become uninhabitable and vast amount of cropland lost.  Considering the way we are treating the Mexicans, I don't think they are going to want us.

  2. if all the heat from the equator could move up towards the poles, the moving air will cool as it moves north and the air that is subsequently pushed towards the equator will be heated by the sun and it will cause diversities in the local weather patterns at first, but then it would in time regulate itself. But this is impossible anyway....

  3. Heat from the sun will make earth warmer.

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