
If all the animals in the world were to wage war on humans, would we stand a chance?

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My Uncle was talking about a theory that his wife was thinking about, which involved every animal and every insect attacking humans and if this were to happen would we even stand a chance if something like that happened, which I doubt it will, but none the less is always something to think about. So what do you think? Can we survive if that happened?




  1. nope we would die...

    unless we can use wepons but other than that no way..

  2. I am already losing the war with crabgrass, mosquitoes, and garden slugs.  I couldn't imagine having to battle an onslaught of creatures with higher intelligence.  Do squirrels count?  What about goldfish?

  3. It would depend...if they took over my house, im deathly allergic to spiders and the hubby is to son might make it lol

    Looks like anyone w/ an allergy that cant get away will go...the rest...well lets get out the heavy artillery!

    This is a fun question BTW

  4. Humans are the most intelligent creatures on the earth. At the begining of the world human had no weapons and still survive and use different means of defence. Then gradually they improve and start making weapons and now humans are the most dangerous.

  5. If we didn't have access to weapons, we would definitely be up s*** creek without a paddle or a boat.

  6. If we can properly isolate and  defend ourself then maybe...but it more likely we will loose the shear number of animals and the ability of different species to be in diff places...yeah we loose :)

  7. If every insect ganged up against us, the whole human race would be dead in about 1 minute. With the possible exception of people living in Antarctica.

  8. Many people will die. but i think in the end we will win. We have guns, technology, and weed and all that good stuff. Id personally be more worried about the insects and the stuff you cant see though. Very interesting question.

  9. What an interesting question!

    It's not like they'd have a "save the humans" campaign or anything.

    Survival would depend upon discovering the reason for this sudden event, and then eliminating the reason. The real issue here is causal relationships.

    However, if it did happen, human beings might hold out for as long as two weeks, and we'd probably wind up destroying the entire planet in order to guarantee our own survival. Which would ultimately kill us, as well.

    My faith that humanity would survive in that kind of a situation is low.

  10. i would get on all fours - if u cant beat them , join them lol!

  11. featherfour is right. we'd be dead very quickly. h**l, half the animals could sit back and watch. the rats, mice, cockroaches, ants and spiders could do it on their own. don't forget the statistics, don't forget the wildlife documentaries you have seen.  

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