
If all the christains in the world would fight all the atheists in the world, who would win?

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would be a interesting war.




  1. Probably atheists. I believe that on the whole there are only slightly more christians in the world than atheists. If you also take into account how many atheists are 'in the closet' so to speak, there are probably a lot more than accounted for.

    Also, a lot of christians as we know are obese, bible thumping, uneducated americans, unable to move from their chairs.  

  2. Atheists....Christians would pray for their own miracles...Atheists would make their own.

  3. Since the United States has 80% claiming to be Christian that is a no brainer here.  

  4. no one would win unless God was involved.  Israel fought wars without God's blessing and what happened?

    I don't think you were looking for an intelligent answer, so here is the one you want.

    The one with the most monster trucks and Ninjas!!!!!!!!!!

  5. If you believe their literature then all true Christians abstain from violence and hatred, so no true Christians have ever engaged in any form of violence or oppression.  This means the war would have to be between the atheists and the hypocrites, and it's usually the hypocrites who control the government, and by extension, the military and police, so the atheists would lose.

  6. Christians - Christians are more fierce when it comes to expressing violence and Atheists really don't have anything to fight FOR because nothing is nothing. They'd rather enjoy a pot of tea instead on a sunny afternoon on the Skye isle sharing love poems when the wind is not too harsh and the day is fairly long.  Quite exquisite.    

  7. Satan.


  8. Christians, because over 30% of the world believes in Christianity, and 97% of the world has a faith.  I imagine the atheists would be trampled, besides we have God on our side.

  9. You have to have logic and tactic to win any war, sooo.......

  10. Christians have the numbers and the history of violence.

    Currently, they also control the US bombs too.  

    In the end, no one would win.  It would be the Christians and "Christians" left standing.

    Edit:  Central NY Guy:  You complete liar.  Hitler was a Catholic.  His followers were overwhelmingly believers.  People who fought for the US were and are atheists.  Don't act like Christians were the only ones who died.

  11. I'm not sure you'd get that one rolling.  Most christians are principled enough not to fight, and most atheists have more sense.  Arranging a punch-up between fundie christians and militant atheists is a possibility though.  

  12. Are you serious here. Atheists make up about 5% of the population. Considering those numbers you would assume that a fringe group would go unnoticed.  

  13. The Athiests, cause the Christians wouldn't fight. Stand back and watch in Awe.. It's not our fight.  

  14. Christians did fight all the atheist one time.. And we won.. It's was called World War 2....

  15. GODs side would win as usual

  16. We are engaged in battle.

    Who's winning?

  17. If human history thus far is any indication, the Christians would win, because they are the most ruthless warriors in history.

  18. Christians had the upper-hand on the Western world for centuries! In America the first criminals to hang from tree branches were witches... Today Christians cleaned up all witches...we are hardly hanging any of them any more...!  When Sarah Palin becomes president by default we can watch and see who's next... will it be the homosexuals in America?

  19. I wouldn't hurt a soul. I love everyone.

  20.   A war between Christian mythology and Atheists misconceptions?  Who would really care who won?  

  21. Probably the Christians .. despite their claims of believing life is precious, thou shalt not kill, etc., they have a long history of murder and war.

    They've gotten more practice and are able to abandon their supposed morals when they see fit (war, death penalty, pro-gun, killing abortion doctors, etc.).

  22. Don't the Christian outnumber the atheists or is that just America ? I guess the atheists have most of China. Not perhaps the greatest recommendation to our character. And I think we have Europe. I still think we should have this battle on line with World of Warcraft accounts and two competing virtual countries. Meanwhile though the Muslims would be doing stuff in Reality Land and that would suck for both of us.

  23. It depends, if the christians aren't willing to use (evil) science then the atheists have the upper-hand.

  24. Uhh serouisly that is just a werid question to ask everyone is intitled to an opion don't fight over there beliefs

  25. most scientists are athiest so we would win weapon of mass destruction plus we wuld have the muslims coz they hate you lot o bible bashers  

  26. Which ever side I lead into battle would win. I'm a military channel watcher and have read several comic books on the subject. I don't care which sides wins or what the issues are as long as there's lot of killing and maiming, crucifying and burning alive the prisoners with plenty of hands, ears, and heads chopped off. I'm so there! Yep, whichever side I'm on will win, no problem.

  27. No one.

  28. True Christians would follow the example of Jesus.  More Christians have been martyred for their faith than I care to count, starting with Stephen, and even continuing right up to today.

    The atheists would win because Christians wouldn't fight back  (at least TRUE Christians wouldn't.)

  29. I think that might be the one and only time that all the Christian denominations would come together and fight for the same thing...

  30. I read the back of the book and WE WIN!

    Christians will always win in the end and the Atheists will bow down before God and acknowledge Him in the end but it will be too late!

  31. If the Christians fought the atheists physically, nobody would win.

    The Christians would at the very least lose any claim on morality.

    If the Christians fought the atheists politically and ideologically, we'd have to be able to see the future to know who would win.

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