
If all the trees in the world get flying power, how will the life of birds as well as trees be on earth?

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If all the trees in the world get flying power, how will the life of birds as well as trees be on earth?




  1. There wont be any trees on earth if they are all flying.

    Birds probally wouldnt give a ****.

  2. hmm

  3. Such an odd question. Now if trees were flying, they would need to adapt to draw moisture out of the air because they would no longer have roots in the ground. They would need to take water directly from the clouds and store it in their trunks. They would also need to develop some manner of increasing production of fructose since flying would presumably require a great deal of energy. They would also adapt to have less bark and a lighter structure so they would use less energy.

    Now many birds, I imagine would simply live in other structures. Many already do. However, some birds still need trees for nesting and for food. They would need to adapt to become faster so they could catch the trees. They would also need to adapt strong talons for grabbing onto branches and keeping their hold while the tree flies around. Lastly, they would need to adapt to colder temperatures since it is colder at higher altitudes. These are the most significant adaptations I can think of for this scenario.

    Humans, of course, would be mostly screwed if this happened.

  4. that's a great imagination

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