
If all your friends smoked and and they were trying to get you to smoke would you give in to peerpresure ?

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would you give in to peer presure and smoke




  1. nope. I wouldn't let them make me try to do something I don't want to do.

  2. Try it, see if you like it, then decide.  

  3. no, then they're not my friends

  4. For pete's sake NO & DON'T EVER TRY TO SMOKE.  

  5. No, you have to be who you are and stand by that. If they're really your friends they'll accept your choice and stop trying to make you do as they want you to do. Tell them to give you $1.00 for every time they ask you to and you say no, then go out and buy them patches with the $$.

  6. I did, LOL

  7. No because my "friends" shouldn't try to force me into anything. Besides, there are more downsides to smoking than benefits. Is it cool to have lung cancer or a hole in your neck?

  8. Your friends are asses if they are trying to make you smoke. They arent your friends.

  9. What kind of 'friends' are they if they want you to smoke?

    I would not give into pressure.  Smelling like a ash tray is not COOL! Nor is damaging your health.  

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