
If am dark in coluor and ma boyfriend tells me to use a make dat'll change ma colour wat should i do,to make..

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one day in went out with ma BF and he saw some other girls so he got jeolousy of the other girls and told me to some thing funny and in conlusion he told me to change ma colour but i don feel like changing ma nature....




  1. Don't ever let anybody make you feel bad about yourself.  EVER!  It's hard enough to feel comfortable in your own skin with the way the world is, so the last thing you need is the person who is supposed to care for you trying to change something you have no control over.

  2. What does this question have to do with dining out, canada Ottawa???

  3. Dump him

  4. Change your boyfriend, not your color. He sounds like a prick.

  5. He sounds like a complete jerk. Keep shopping!!

  6. Can we say "ignorant"....where are peoples common sense these days?

  7. Change your boyfriend.

    If he's white he's a racist. If he's black he's an Uncle Tom. He's supposed to see you for the person you are, not for the colour of your skin.

  8. I agree with the first person, take care ~A~

  9. if u love him so change ur self for him even ur life if needed (¯`·.A.·´¯)LOVE(¯`·.A.·´¯)

  10. sorry, not to be rude but you should definitely concentrate on your education. I couldn't hardly read your post. Drop your boyfriend and pick up a book.

  11. shave your hair

  12. I really doubt that he is racist or he wouldn't be your boyfriend.

    This is what it sounds like to me because I dated a guy for awhile that did the same kind of stuff to me.

    Some guys want to constantly be in charge of EVERYTHING!.  That means even what you wear, down to your hair style.  This guy I'm talking about was nagging me to get a darker tan.  I didn't want the sun dammage to crop up later in life.

    He was always offering suggestions about how I could IMPROVE myself.  I knew he was full of it because at the time, men were drooling over me.  But ofcourse he just HAD to always give me his so called STELLAR advice.  I blew HIM off.

    It is highly doubtful that he would break up with you if you didn't comply with his every spur of the moment "Beauty tips."

    If he nags you about it constantly about changing your skin color, just get some of the new shimmering body glow products that gives your skin a pretty shiny glow.

    If he is still not happy, you have a problem on your hands.  Guys like him NEVER stop wanting to control EVERYTHING!  They're NEVER happy.  If he wasn't with you, he would be torturing someone else.  It's in his nature.

    Just see how much you can tolerate his make-over ideas until you say to yourself "I just can't take this any more.

    Some guys are more pushy than others.  You'll just have to wait and see.

    You mentioned that he asked you to do something funny.  I don't know what kind of funny he meant but what would be really funny is to cover your entire body in white talcum powder, right before he comes over just to get a laugh out of THAT!

    It's truly up to you.  He's not going to stop giving you advice on how to make you look BETTER.  Some men have seen the light(of how rediculous that is), but not usually.

    You could do everything he wants and it will never be enough.

    By the way, everybody knows that those skin lightening products usually don't work very well.

    If he's not happy with the fact that you are going to continue doing what YOU want when it comes to appearance, let him find someone else to torture.

    He would probably come right back TO you, once he finds out that no woman(That is secure in the way they look) will tolerate his badgering .  It's insulting.  I don't know ANYONE that likes to be insulted.

    Tell him you'll do it if he promises to wear ballet shoes and a pink tutu every time you go out together because that is as equally absurd.

    Just wait and see.  If he DID drop you,he would be doing you a favor.  You don't want to spend your life with someone who will never appreciate you or give you complements.  Just things that hurt your feelings.

    What a pious self absorbed nimrod.

    Good luck Sweetheart with this one.

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