
If america believes in god then why do we want a president who don't?

by  |  earlier

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is america is supposed to big believers in god then why do we want to vote for Barack Obama. Who dont even believe in god he is a muslim. His dad is an activist, the very same people who we are fighting in afganastan, the very same people who crashed the plains into the world trade centers. The NRA (national rifle association) produced an artical about Obama tring to change the second ammendment ( the right to bare arms) he is tring to disarm america for a reason think about it people what happens if does get president is america gonna become another afganastan all im saying is think about it before you vote everyone has a right to their own oppinon, but just think about it




  1. 1. gaventry likes crappy music

    2. as devout muslim, i am offended and i will go jihad on your ***, *****, using my 2nd amendment rights to get rid of sheep like you.

  2. Yet another shining example of the mind being a terrible thing. Spell check is free.

  3. you need to start reading your facts there buddy  

  4. How can he not be Christian when he is Chocolate Jesus? The messiah has returned and he is going to make whitey pay.

  5. we still separate politics and religion.But I believe it is better to have a president who fears the wrath of a higher being, because he will adhere to the principals of our religious teachings, but if we have a man of good conscience, then we can still have a good government.

  6. Um excuse me but I'm agnostic, far from a "big believer." Many people are in the same boat, but don't worry sweetie, this country is closed-minded enough to want a President who isn't an atheist. So don't worry about it.

  7. This countrywa founded by christians, and it IS bad that people of different cultures are coming in to change all our ****, but Obama is christian, he ws just raised in a muslamic culture.

    you have your own right to religion, ya know?

    and you kinda sound like a redneck hahahahahaha

  8. i've heard everything He is not a Muslim!  Obamas dad would've never have done such a terrosist act simply because he was of the Muslim faith! not all Muslims are terrosist! As far as  Obamas propposed legislation he introduced in the senate, it was a law that would limit the sales if not make it illegal to purchase guns such as oozies,machine guns etc. (you know the kind of guns that TERROSIST USE?) by the way you speak of Obamas dad in the present tense and the man has been dead for many years! my God please research your information for actual facts before you make such bogus claims especially in a public forum such as Y/A!  

  9. You know what, I'll deal with the label of a*****e in this case, because instead of just pointing out all the falsehoods in your statement I'm just gonna cut to the chase and call you a moron...

  10. You should learn to spell if you are expecting to be taken seriously...  As for Americans who are supposed to believe in god.... that's dumb.  Americans are SUPPOSED to have freedom which in turn would allow them to believe in anything they want.  I'm sure there are many Americans who do not believe in god.  Americans are also supposed to believe everything we see on the news and all the things that our government tells us are true.  There are many things that we are supposed to believe but individuality still exists a little bit, we aren't completely controlled yet... Maybe one day if we are looking at a world that is completely controlled by higher powers you will have your wish since I'm sure they will tell you what you are supposed to believe, and if you don't listen then they will probably just kill you.

  11. im not even voting for obama and i think anyone who believes hes muslim is retarded.

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