
If american gets invovled with russia and georgia will british join the americans as they are allies?

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If american gets invovled with russia and georgia will british join the americans as they are allies?




  1. Tough to say, it would have to concern england in some way. There would have to be a threat on England for them to have to join in a war, no country really wants to help another country in a war if they dont have to  

  2. yes the british would likely join any war the usa is involved in.  our countrys are very close and supportive.

    but the reality is the united states will not confront russia directly.

    you see that in a conventional war.. the politicians.. are safe behind their militarys... but in a nuclear confrontation.. quite simply.. bush can die... so there will be no war with russia..

    note how bush changed his tune about n korea after they detonated a nuke.  it all boils down to if you can kill bush.. if you have that capability.. they will leave you alone.

  3. I dont think it will even come to that, the Russians saw this as a good time/chance to stamp their authority on the region whilst the worlds attention was distracted by the Olympic games*. It always was supposed to calm down after a week or so and it will do. Its just a power game played by countries and America joined in doing the same(by getting evolved).

    *that said, the plus side for Russia, Georgia are now unlikely to be accepted into the EU because we in Europe dont want to accept a country that would that could bring us into to problems with and old super power.

    Oh yeah, the question of us joining you... If it did comes to confrontation then no we couldn't/wouldn't  join you, Brown cant afford to to follow another country into a war, that last two haven't worked out that well so another would not go down well at all. Britain's moving closer to the EU now anyway.

  4. If military action against Russia is approved it will probably be through NATO as that will bring the power of 26 nations against Russia including several of the top 10 military powers in the world.  That is a formitable foe to face if you are Russia.

    So in a case like this yes the USA and British will be allies.

  5. The British need to sort their Zimbabwe problems out before they get on the road to being an allies again.

  6. They helped us in Iraq, they will help us anywhere.

  7. Most Likely, so will the rest of NATO too probably.  Georgia is almost a member of NATO and the NATO pact is that if one member is attacked, it is treated like an attack on the rest of them.  So even though Georgia isn't a NATO member, the British will definetly support the US

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