
If americans care about coruption why dont they show it at the elections?

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If americans care about coruption why dont they show it at the elections?




  1. I always vote against the incumbent, because  they are usually corrupt.  The new guys all promise to clean up the corruption seem to forget once they start taking bribes. There are either no honest people running, or honest people quickly become blackmailed or threatened or assasinated. So I frequently end up voting for the lesser of two evils. I am becoming convinced that most elections are rigged anyway, so i care less and less as time goes on. I was going to vote for Frank Zappa for president, but he died.

  2. Maybe they do care and their votes are simply a reflection of the fact that your opinions are different from somebody else's opinions.

  3. A lot of Americans don't vote. They shirk their responsibility.

    No vote = No voice = No opinion

    I firmly believe that if you don't vote then you have absolutely no opinion because you have made it your business to not do anything, which is the epitomy of laziness!

    You may not like your choices but you still have to pick one.

    The more people that vote, the better. Your vote gives you some power. Politicians are after money and votes.

    Not enough votes means they don't get elected.

  4. As long as we continue along this two party system, it will not get better.  We need more than 2 major political parties.  We should never have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

    Term limits need to be enacted.  No one should be elected for longer than 4 years.  Then they're done.  Back to the private sector to live with the laws that they've made.

    No more lawyers elected to gov't.  As a matter of fact, lets set a limit of only 10 new lawyers in this country per year.  This gov't was designed to have the common man/woman elected for several years, then go back to their farm, job, etc.

  5. We do, and our elections are fair, the losers just whine about it and try to exploit kinks in the system to make it look like they were cheated.

  6. Because Americans have bought into the corrupt ideology of the Almight Government being the solution to everything.

    We pay enormous taxes, and our government can borrow unlimited amounts of money to fund anything it wants. Anyone who questions this is regarded as a heretic, yet people are concerned about corruption and for some reason can't see the connection.

  7. there is an obscene amount of coruption built into the lobbyist base system we have become. a politician with the very best intentions is almost corrupted the day he takes office. NOW, some of our elected officials have strong values and come out of office somewhat clean; but those that don't become straight up crooks. however their crimes are legal, (if that makes any sence). for example, we should have a law that prohibits and congresmen leaving office from going to work for any lobbyist/law firm that does business in DC for 10-15 years.

    this is why a man like mccain would be a great president! he is a honorable man!

  8. the elections are not an accurate indicator of wisdom

  9. I wish I knew.  Some politicians, that are clearly corrupt or incompetent, get re-elected.  

    For example, I was shocked when the New Orleans mayor was re-elected after his incompetence after Katrina.

    People seem to think their Senator or House member are OK but it's everyone elses are that horrible.  I think Teddy Kennedy should have retired several decades ago but he keeps getting re-elected.

  10. When we vote at elections, we can only hope that the people we elect will be honest and uncorrupt in their duties.

    Once they are elected, there is really little we can do about it.

  11. Money + Power + Blond Ambition = Corruption

    Most secrets protect corrupt people and governments

    Becoming involved in trying to eliminate corruption requires studying the issues and it takes a lot of time and most people want the answers right away.

    Corruption can also and it interpreted according to people's beliefs.

    A lot of people have narrow points of view and people that tell the truth become labeled as trouble makers and this includes honest FBI agents

    The following links will open your mind

  12. Are you talking about people like Jefferson winning again in New Orleans while he was under investigation for bribery and caught with $90,000 in his office freezer?  I don't know.  I wouldn't have voted for him, but when you consider most of the people from New Orleans are all over the country, I guess they weren't paying that much attention.  The Supreme Court ruled in his favor that laws were broken in searching his congressional office.  Most of the other charges are past the statute of limitations.  He will likely get off without proving his innocence or guilt.   Very odd.

  13. We allow ourselves to be swayed by cheap rhetoric and powerful-sounding talking points.

    If everyone looked at the records of politicians running for office and what theyve done, what theyre invested in, where their campaign money comes from, etc etc, you can be sure that Clinton, Edwards, Obama, Giuliani, Romney and McCain would not be top-tier. They wouldnt even have a chance, being as corrupted and dishonest as they are. But they have powerful-sounding rhetoric and tell people what they want to hear.

    The media has decided that a candidate is only valid once he or she has sold him or herself out to corporations and special interest groups to the tune of several million dollars. And so once that happens, they proclaim these, the most corrupted candidates, as top-tier and we only hear about them. And the ones who raise less or refuse to sell out are marginalized and ignored by the media, both on everyday TV and at the debates.

    I'm voting Mike Gravel, because I do care about corruption and I want it to end. But its not enough just to vote for the honest candidates, because theyll never make it just with that. People have to donate to and support the candidates that are truly for the people, because otherwise, we'll just keep getting more of the same. Millionaire career politicians preserving their power and the status quo. In other words, "politics as usual"!!!

    In Gravel's own words; "follow the money!" (Gravel responding to a campaign finance question and talking about corruption)

  14. Voting a candidate to end political corruption is like choosing between a kick to the nuts or a rusty pin in your eye.

    Neither one is good and neither one will do as promised.

  15. By voting for the democrat crook or the republican crook? What elections? Give people some viable choices.

    The only way we can control the government is to remove their ability to tax us.

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