
If an Alien popped out of your closet when you where in bed but not yet asleep.......?

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If an Alien popped out of your closet when you where in bed, but not yet asleep, what would be your first reaction?




  1. i'd probably say the "F" word then panic. Unless he gave me the Spock signal or said something like Mork.

  2. i would pinch myself.  Then throw things at it.  Then i would probably jump out the window.  It would be hard to get out of my door b/c the closet is right next to my door.

    (i would probably do the same thing to a small child if they were hiding in my closet)

  3. Yup, deer in the headlights works for me as well. Then I'd probably get up the guts to try talking to the alien to find out why it was in _my_ closet, etc., all the while thinking of things like, "I hope he doesn't have any kind of disease I can catch" or "any weapons he'll use on me."

  4. I would run to it "excuse me," get my baseball bat from my closet and WHAM!!

  5. A moment to panic, then run.

  6. I would send them to your house

  7. I would probably be too scared to even move. I would hit it with something and take any weapons he carried with him, if he even had any. I would let everyobdy know about it.

    My other choice would be to make friends with it like on ET. If your kind and nice and act brave and fearless, I'm sure he wouldn't harm me.

  8. id say:

    "Oh my effing jesus christ!, You are NOT sleeping

    in my bed tonight."

  9. scream and then throw something at it. and then just start beating it up  

  10. I would turn on the lights then pull out my knifes and start throwing them near him but not before talking and having a brunch with him(who knows he may have a lottery ticket that he wants to give me) Oh yea and i would scream

  11. To stop my dogs biting their bums. Anyway, if they are in the closet will they be g*y when they come out?

  12. Probably just go and shove him back in and tell him to stay there.  At the same time I can remind the Yeti about his snoring, and tell Elvis not to go down and raid the fridge while I'm asleep.

  13. well first, it would be a deer in the headlights thing. then i would grab my razor/knife/whatever thing on my nightstand, and wait to see what it did.

    vaporization would be a h**l of a way to go out

  14. dude, i'd wonder if he came in peace or to eat my ham sandwich!

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