
If an MMA Fighter turns down fight, they need more time or whatever, aren't they just scared?

by Guest44910  |  earlier

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When James Irvin was asked about the four guys who turned down a match with Anderson Silva before he accepted it, he refused to name names. When Lyoto Machida was asked about the fighters who have reportedly been turning down fights against him, he refused to name names. Luckily there are straight shooters like Brandon Vera.

“They offered me Dan Henderson, Wanderlei Silva, Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou, Lyoto Machida and then Reese Andy,” Vera told The Baltimore Sun.

If a fighter turns down a fight and says they need more time to prepare, aren't they just scared. They say their not afraid but isn't that why they want more time. Their scared that they'll get beat.

Vera says he ain't scared of Lyoto, he just doesn't want to fight him now. Isn't that the same as saying he's scared of Lyoto?

If your not scared, then wouldn't you take a fight with anyone, anywhere, whoever they offered?




  1. I'm guessing you're not a fighter dude.

    What you have to remember is in the UFC everyone is top of their class. This isn't the amateurs. Every guy out there is capable of knocking you silly if you give them the chance. Not to mention, this is their career. In MMA, you're only as good as your last fight. You lose once, the uneducated fan doesn't wanna give you a second chance. People start talking about how bad you suck. One fight can be all it takes to lose all the momentum you build behind yourself.

    If a fighter is in the UFC, they've had plenty of fights behind them. They've faced plenty of tough guys. If they were afraid to fight, they wouldn't have made it this far.

  2. Physically the fighter is not ready to fight if he turns down the fight. Meaning his cardio is not up to par so he wouldnt be able tosustain the energy to go a full 3-5 rounds.

    I'm sure there are fighters that have a fear of other specific fighters, but I really think it just has to do with training issues. Especially when the refused fight is a last minute fight without adequate prep time.

    Just my humble opinion

  3. the ufc threw this card together quickly to compete with afflictions card. vera isn't afraid of machida but respects his amazing skill. he's not going to jump right in and get slaughtered. this isn't ultimate recess championships, it's peoples careers. you should respect that.

  4. in some cases but keep in ming irvin is preety much an unknown in the UFC a win over anderson silva and he is a superstar if a fighter is a big star they usuallly wont take a big fight on short notice because of the risk of a loss its not being scared of them but in MMA one loss can set you back a long way so you take fights when your prepared 100% soemone like irvin has nothing to loose if he gets beat eevryone expected him to no big deal but if he wins he beat anderson silva instant superstar

  5. Yeah there are a few fighters who would fight anyone anytime like the guys who hold the belts right now. Also Thiago Silva I hope he faces GSP soon after florian loses. Silva says he will fight anyone to become champ so I know he doesn't mind. Guys turned downed Anderson Silva because they don't want to be the one to lose to a guy who is experimenting in the light heavies. Some fighters might not be ready and might not have good enough conditioning for a fight and some are just plain scared they will lose. Usually the guys with respect who turn down fights don't want to lose because their conditioning isn't good enough to fight.

  6. Here is an example of an excuse by Phil Barioni!

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