
If an account was put into collections but disputed and taken out of dispute is that legal ?

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theirs a debt collection agency on my report for an account i disputed technically when something is in dispute is that legal for another agency to take it out




  1. You are fighting an uphill battle.   Collection agencies are supposedl\y answerable to the FTC but the FTC are total limp wrists.

    In actuality,  the three main collection reporting agencies routinely break constitutional law.

    If a creditor says you owe, then the agencies report it as a debt without affording you the right to dispute.   Only after the fact do you learn of the supposed debt.

    E.g.,  Visa says you owe them money then Esperian etc., state so in their report.   They do not verify the debt or contact you to ask for your confirmation of the dispute.    They merely report it to all and sundry who ask.

    This is like a crime being reported and the judge saying "guilty"  without hearing any evidence.  

    Also,  a "debt" can be handed to more than one collection agency so you end up with 5 or 6 different collection agenices on your back for the same disputed debt.   Resulting with 5 or 6 negative reports on your credit report.   This constitutes 5 or 6 bad debts not one.

    The collection agencies act in the capacity of judge and jury without benefit of a trial.    Irgo Unconstitutional.

  2. I would contact an attorney on this issue.

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