
If an adult converts to Catholicism, I understand that they get a sponser. How involved does a sponser get?

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into the life of a new convert? What's it like to have one?




  1. They will give up their time with you in the RCIA program and follow you during the process.  For my family they were very involved and were a blessing to us

  2. An RCIA sponsor is a person willing to be a friend, witness, companion and guide for a woman or man seeking Christian initiation.

    Sponsors do not teach, but rather accompany the person seeking initiation on their faith journey.

    Although initiation is the responsibility of the whole parish community, the sponsor represents the community in a personal and direct way.


    + Act as a personal connection between the candidate and the community until the rite of election

    + Provide support and encouragement

    + Answer questions the candidate may have

    + Are available

    + Listen to and share personal faith stories

    + Pray with and for the candidate

    + Introduce the candidate to the other members of the community

    + Participate in candidate session, prayer gatherings, ceremonies and instructions whenever possible

    With love and prayers in Christ.

  3. The sponsor gets as involved as the new convert wants them to be.  Basically the sponsor duty is to guide the new convert and help them with questions, concerns, etc.  Most of the time this is a family member or a friend who is already involved in some degree or another with the convert.

  4. Well i grew up into a Catholic family, the whole sponsoring thing was pretty much a joke, my uncle was mine and i knew more about it than him. Sponsors are Catholics that help you in your "spiritual journey" after confirmation.

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