
If an alien craft landed on earth, is it fair to say that?

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the various religions would all have different responses...?

Jews - we would no doubt COOK for them and try to get the aliens to 'just eat a little something....'!! :)

How would all other faiths respond?

Let's keep it nice and lighthearted guys :)




  1. with the the amount of the littel buggers getting around up in the terriory skies the last couple of month me and the boys have a bottel of burbon and a carton on stand by for the barbie so long as the pig hunters dont blow a couple of holes in the on the way down we are a bit short on etiquate in oz but frendliy .

    and when it cam to religions they would freak out as it would desimate the faith in there gods  

  2. i don't really care what any faiths would do i would fear for all of us.

    this craft would signal a change in our world that could lead us to our abyss

  3. Not sure about religion, but I'm British so... we'd probably offer it a nice cuppa tea. Can't beat a nice brew.


  4. answer: Heathens and pagans would invite them to a celebration circle/blot, offer them a drinking horn of mead and swap stories.

  5. Hey, this one goes beyond faith.  If an alien arrived on this planet the Americans would grab it first, kill it, dissect it and then destroy the evidence.


  7. They probably won't land here until most of humanity has given up their mythologies...  

    pentecostals will have a very hard time knowing when aliens are "saved," as they already will be speaking in an unkown tongue.

  8. Well, if you look *really* in depth into Hinduism and the other Vedic religions, they'd probably say "What kept you?"


  9. I wonder how readily we will accept their funky cosmic holy text.

  10. the bible-fundies would pray for them, then threaten them with eternal damnation..

  11. I can't speak for other Atheists, but as for me, I'd be scared schitless.  They would obviously be far more advanced than we are (since they've been able to travel so far) and would most likely be able to easily dominate our world.  I would be very apprehensive and even more cautious.  

  12. LOL Chicken soup? :-D (((hugs)))

    You'd probably find the pagans trying to get them drunk on mead. ;-)

  13. After all they had a long trip.  Nods. They must be hungry.  "A little something  --- as we get out a 6 course meal."

    (Yep, my mom when I come home --- no matter what the hour.)

    Of course then we'd ask them tons of questions, & start debating with them.

  14. Atheists would eat their alien babbys.

  15. eclectic pagans would take them to a coffeehouse and ask them all about their various religious views, to see if they can find any insights.

    we're s***s for insight.  i'm reading a bad book in the hopes of finding at least one...

    lol, woody.  so true...

  16. Scientologists would drink the kool-aid ;)

  17. The FSM would greet them with his noodley appendages... and offer them a meat ball...

    BHNA   RAmen

  18. Jehovah's Witnesses would try and give them a copy of Watchtower.

    Evangelical Christians would think it was the devil's work and try and shoot them.

    Church of England would make them a cup of tea.

  19. Well, we pagans would probably try and get them drunk.

    Mead is probably the best thing the Earth has to offer visitors.

  20. This atheist would invite them to a rock concert. If they're going to be on Satan's planet, they might as well learn to like Satan's music.

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