
If an alien from space said,"Take me to your leader" who would you take it to?

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Maybe the alien anthropologists would wonder, why does human culture emphasize status so much. Maybe the aliens might have an egalitarian society instead so they would be nonplussed by the notion of leader. I'd take the alien to Art Bell & George Noory of Coast to Coast AM radio program.




  1. I don't know how to spell it properly, but I'd take them to Ban Ki Moon, the current head of the United Nations. I'd also do my level best to keep them well away from the current occupier of the Oval Office.

  2. I'd take them to my liquor cabinet and make them wonder! Then maybe Art or George.

  3. I would get it stoned and try to have my way with it.

  4. I would say that we had no leaders. Everybody is its own leader. Then he would get confused and runaway...

  5. Rowan Akitson

  6. Wow, your right it's scary (who do you trust?) - but I guess I'd have them look over the UN first from space before actually talking to the UN leader.

    Hmm, Does the scientific community have a body or gathering - maybe like Mr. Hawking, or Mr Gates (for electronics) ... A huge universities (Oxford or Harvard) science department come to mind.

    I really hope this never happens - I'd be locked up (by my fellow humans no less) - not something I'm looking forward to.

    Oh, I could always send them to the Pope, as I am Roman Catholic, yeah, that'd work.



  7. My wife.

  8. i would feed them poptarts then dissect them.

  9. The creators of South Park!

  10. To Chuck Norris

  11. The U.N.

  12. my leader?



  13. I'd take it to a homeless drunk walking down the street. Great test to see if they are evil or friendly!

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