
If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?

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If an ambulance is on its way to save someone, and it runs someone over, does it stop to help them?




  1. you asked this last week

  2. hehe... Why of course they would!! It would be a hit and run if you didn't. The crew would just radio their dispatch and have another ambulance go to the call they were going to. Also even if the injuries were minor, once the emt or paramedic makes "patient contact" they are required by law to see that call through. Once the ambulance crew has physically arrived and seen you, they MUST take you to the the hospital if you want to go, EVEN if a much more serious call comes. For example lets say u called 911 and want to have ems take you to the hospital for something stupid like a stubbed toe. Lets say right after the ambulance arrives and has physically seen you that a call comes out for a cardiac arrest 2 houses down. That crew must take you to the hospital if you want to go. The law is called patient abandonment if they left.

    So let that be a warning to all you people that call 911 for stupid things. Because of your stupidness someone might just die...

    By the way this has happened to me I went to a call of a lady pretending to have a seizure for attention, and when I got there a cardiac arrest call came out a block away. The closest available truck was 20 minutes away...

  3. Yes they would stop and call their dispatcher so that the dispatcher could send out another ambulance to the first accident.....

  4. They are required to stop and render aid just like any other driver in an accident.

    However, assuming that the ambulance is still fully operational (not damaged), and if the injuries here were minor compared to those at the original call, the police on scene would probably order the ambulance to continue on to the more serious call and let the minor injury wait for a second ambulance.

  5. Yes. First if they left it would be a hit and run. They would call and let dispatch know that they have been in accident and a person was hurt. Dispatch would then call for someone else to go to the original scene as well as the accident scene, as the drivers are now possible victims.

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