
If an american marries a canadian is she/he a legal canadian? and vice versa?

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I'm an American and my boyfriend is Canadian. We plan on getting married to bypass all the troubles of him becoming a us citizen. Does it make a difference where we get married? If we get married in the states, can he legally work in America? And can I legally work in Canada if we decide to move there later on even if we get married in the US?

I'm very lost about this.. I need major explanage. (Yeah, I totally made that word up.)




  1. If you want to live in Canada then the American must get a Canadian immigrant visa.  If you want to live in the United States then the Canadian needs to get an American immigrant visa.

    The marriage itself changes nothing.  Neither one has the right to live and work in the other's country just because they got married.

    If you want to get married to him, here, in the USA then you need to file I-129F, I-864 and G-325A with the USCIS.  He needs to wait in Canada to be contacted by the US embassy in Ottawa or the closest US consulate to his home.

    He'll be notified of the pending immigrantion petition for him.  They'll send him a package of information and request that he take a physical exam.  They'll tell him where to get the physical.

    He'll be interviewed by an American Consular Officer, and if approved, be given a US fiance visa for his Canadian passport.

    He can then come to the USA.  You will have 90 days during which to get married.

    After the marriage he will file I-485 and I-765 with the USCIS.  He will get a work permit in about 90 days.  He will be interviewed in about 6 months and get his first, conditional, green card in about a year.

    You can find the forms here.....

  2. bypass the hassles?  you do NOT get to bypass anything!!

    NO you are not eligible to work in USA just because you married an american - and no he is not eligible to work in Canada just because he married a Canadian.

    Yes you will still have to go through the hassles of applying and waiting - just like everyone else. For both countries.

    If you want to emigrate to USA then contact the USCIS.

    If he wants to emigrate to Canada then check the CIC website.

    Emigrating to Canada - family class.

  3. marriage means nothing the Canadian will have to apply to immigrate if you decide to live in the US

    and the American must apply to immigrate if decide to live in Canada

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