
If an apartment is under my parents name,i'm 16, can me and my boyfriend move in together by ourselves?

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I'm 16 and with a baby on the way. There is very little room at my house right now, my dad was thinking about getting me an apartment under his name, but me and my boyfriend would be paying for everything, money is not an issue for us. But we aren't sure if we can legally. We need more room for this baby, and don't have it where we are living now.

So can you do it legally?




  1. depends on where you live .

    how old is your boyfriend?

  2. yea everything should be ok with parents consent. before you can actually move in though he might have to go to the court and emancipate you. i dont know im not from Cali. but i know in most states if you're under the age of 18 you have to be legally emancipated to live on your own.

  3. Your parents would have to be put on the lease as the responsible party.. meaning, they have to pay the rent. But YOU also have to be put on the lease since you would be living there. Which would mean also that your boyfriend would have to be on the lease before he could move in.

  4. Whether it is legal or not is probably dependend upon what is in the lease. You might be better off with a lease on a house with an option to buy.

    Apartment living can be nasty because of complaining neighbors and psychotic apartment managers. There are a lot of rules to follow. Just be aware.

  5. No, you have to have the apt in your name for it to be legal, you cant sublet appt's, and that's what it would be...the apt in your dad's name and you living there. If they (office staff) found out about it they could evict you. And I believe you are too young with no credit or rental history to get one by yourselves. The only way you could do it is doing it to where you and your boyfriend be occupants on the lease with your dad and you could still pay rent and call in work orders with no problems, but you have to be on it with him. Babies dont matter, they have to be a certain age before they need to be on a lease.

  6. I am not sure that you can do that legally because you are not the person on the lease.  I believe that your parents have to prove that they are the ones living in the apartment.  It really depends on whether or not they will let you.  Your boyfriend can sign the lease if he is of legal age, and your dad can act as a co-signer

  7. You should be able to, if you get your parents permission.

  8. I don't think the law has anything to say about it, in fact it says landlords can't discriminate on the basis of age.  The landlord's main concern is whether you can make the rent each month, and don't trash the place or hassle the neighbors.

    There is much you need to know about independent living and apartment living (respect and tolerance for your neighbors being the most important, next to finances).

    I wish you well.  God bless.

  9. I dont think there would be a problem, its nice that you are growing up fast and want to take care of your family; your taking responsibility for your actions :)

    If the apartment is under your dads name then everything should be good, i moved out when i was 16 with my boyfriend, but he was older so it was a little different then your situation. Good luck, just talk with your dad and keep looking around. TIP: get a place close to your parents house :)

  10. Ignore Jessica B.

    She's either lying or telling you the rules at one apartment complex.

    I see no reason why this would not be legal in most states.

    It would be better if you guys got married.

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