
If an atom has 1 proton and 1 neutron can it have 3 electrons?

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I saw a slide-show the other day and they showed an atom with 1 proton and one neutron. Eventually, they showed an animation with 3 electrons around the 2 particles in an orbit. Does this element exist, if so what is it? Thanks!




  1. 3 electrons would mean just a super negative ion. Anything can be forced but the greater the feat the greater the energy required to pull it off.

  2. it's not tritium.  Tritium has 2 neutrons.  Like Brian said, it's Deuterium -2, which is just Hydrogen + a neutron + 2 extra electrons.

    Normally, hydrogen is just 1 proton, no neutrons, and 1 electron.

  3. Yes, it exists. It is hydrogen, but it's an isotope that has 3 electrons.

    Isotopes are atoms of a same element but with different number of electrons. In this case, most of the hydrogen in nature has 1 electron, but there are some hydrogen atoms that have 2 electrons, and some that have 3. These ones are very unstable.  

  4. I'm with Mullah Abdullah, no such ion. Even the -1 ion is dubious.

  5. No, there is one electron for each proton.

  6. Such ion cannot exist.

    I do not recall if there is sufficient potential well to host 1 extra electron and form Deuterium- ion,  but the third electron will be repelled by such D- ion without any doubt.

  7. Both Deuterium and Tritium can be found in nature, but rarely because they are unstable and fast become ordinary hydrogen.

  8. This atom is not stable.

    Though the neutron has one electron in it, you do not look at this one as an electron in this situation.

    But how is Deuterium, heavy water? this one has a neutron

  9. Ok. People are giving wrong answers here. To clear things up:

    An atom with 1 proton and 1 neutron is the hydrogen isotope deuterium. The number of protons defines the element and the number of neutrons defines the isotope. Electrons have NOTHING to do with which isotope it is.

    As for it being able to have 3 electrons, I'm not so sure on this. I'm pretty sure it can't because hydrogen only has a 1s orbital and the 1s orbital only has room for two electrons.

  10. 3 electrons, 1 proton, and 1 neutron would be a deuterium atom (hydrogen-2) and it would have a -2 charge (the proton is +1 and each electron is -1). Such an ion could exist, but it would expel its outer-shell electron immediately to give the -1 ion.

  11. yes they have so many electrons how you wan,t - talk to one electron and told him you need more than 3 .  good luck  

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