
If an heir to the British throne were to marry a commonwealth citizen would they be Queen?

by Guest66596  |  earlier

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If an heir to the British throne were to marry a commonwealth citizen would they be Queen?




  1. she is called queen as a courtesy, but she is not a monarch.  Did you notice that when the monarch is a queen her husband is not even given the courtesy title of king?

  2. I prefer a Commonwealth Citizen but sadly, the heir to the obsolete British throne is already re-married and his wife will be Queen.  He discarded a beautiful Princess and married a 'Hereditary and ugly Courtisan' (Prostitite)  I sincerely wish the Monarchy to end before the 'prat' Charlie take over.. However,

    If the UK is to continue as a Monarchy,  I believe that the population will support the first son of 'the prat'

  3. When King Edward, uncle of QE2 married Wallace Simpson, not only was she Not made queen,  he was made to abdicate the thrown.  Elizabeth refused to speak to him for the rest of his life, why have the rules changed now that her son has committed the same act?

  4. The title to the wife of the heir to the throne is traditionally Princess of Wales.

    When the heir becomes King it is at his discretion whether he gives his wife the title Queen. (It is still not defiantly known if Camilla will be know as Queen or not)

  5. Yes.

  6. The woman who marries the heir to the throne and has gained permission from the sovereign and Privy Council  to marry,becomes Queen upon her husband's ascension to the throne.

    She becomes a British citizen,a British royal.

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